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Road Rage What Road Rage Is Why Term Paper

Road Rage What Road Rage is Why Road Rage Happens

Causes of Road Rage

Anger at Other Drivers

Anger at Other People (Not Drivers)

Rush to Arrive Somewhere

Feeling of Power Over Others

Stress That Comes From Other Causes

Several Causes for Road Rage

Concerns for the Future

To understand the causes of road rage and the general problems that it creates, it is important to understand what road rage actually is. Road rage is intense anger that occurs when an individual is driving his or her vehicle and something goes wrong or causes upset. When these people get angry they might make rude gestures at other drivers, cut them off in traffic, or even follow them when they exit a highway in hopes of starting some type of fight or intimidating the other person. Most people think that road rage happens just because of things that go on when someone is driving but in all reality there are many causes of road rage. Because of this, it is important to look at why road rage happens and all of the various issues that could be related to it so that people who try...

This could be because the other driver has done something that the angry person sees as stupid or careless, but it could also be because the other person is driving a better car or looks like someone that the angry person knows and does not like. This anger at other drivers can be very strong but it is also possible that this road rage is caused by anger at someone other than the driver of another vehicle. The person who is experiencing road rage might have had a fight with their wife or husband or may be angry at their children, a bill collector, the electric company, or hundreds of other individuals and businesses. This anger, because it cannot be used against the person that it is actually directed at, is taken out on other drivers for something minor that normally would probably not upset someone so much. Another cause of road rage is the daily rush that most individuals experience when…

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