Rich Should Be Taxed More
In every free market economy, there is a particular tax system which is implemented and has to be followed by the citizens of the country but every tax system comes with its advantages and disadvantages. The taxes that are implemented may be in the form of direct taxes such as the earnings of an individual, inheritance and other such incomes, while the indirect tax is levied on the purchases, sales, etc.
The regressive tax system is whereby the amount of tax that a person has to pay decreases as the income of the individual increases. This is a burden on the poor in the society who are crushed under the burden of the taxes because the tax payments take up most of their earnings as a result. A progressive tax system on the other hand implies that a person has to pay more in taxes as their earnings increase. This kind of a tax system is more favorable for a variety of reasons (Mccaffery).
Firstly, in many countries like the United States, there is usually a wide gap between the richer classes and the working classes. The income gap keeps on increasing if the tax system is regressive in nature because it falls more heavily on the poor and working classes and it eliminates their chances of climbing up the social and financial ladder. The regressive taxes may be in the form of the tax on the products we purchase for instance and it although it remains the same for both the classes, it falls more heavily and has adverse impacts on the poor classes because a much larger proportion of their...
Thus, the per capita tax revenue is presented in Table 5. Table 5: Ratio: Per Capital Tax Revenue ($Million) New York Activities 2010 2009 Tax Revenue $58,039 $55,804 Total Population 19,378,102 19,378,102 Ratio: Per Capital Tax Revenue $2,995: 1 $2,880: 1 Pennsylvania Tax Revenue $28,300 $27,600 Total Population 12,702,379 12,702,379 Ratio: Per Capital Tax Revenue $2,228:1 $2,173:1 The findings from table 5 reveal that both states record increase in per capital tax revenue at the end of the fiscal years 2009 to 2010. In the New York, the government realizes ratio of $2,880 per
Taxes An evaluation of two types of taxes: Sales vs. income Sales taxes are invariably regressive taxes. Poorer people use a larger percentage of their taxes for consumption-related expenses, so they pay proportionately more of their income in sales taxes. For the wealthy, more of their spending is concentrated in savings and investments, since they can save a larger proportion of their income and still meet basic expenses. Of course, given that
With regard to the salaried people the federal tax system has improvised a method to flush the surplus spending funds in advance by the mandatory provision of requiring employers to withhold tax from payments in advance which on remitting will be computed as part of the total tax liability of the employee. This method of advance collection is an important feature said to be the pillar of the tax
Sugary sodas contain corn syrup, but the American Agricultural Department subsidizes American farmers for growing corn, and this is one of the reasons that high-fructose corn syrup is so ubiquitous in the food supply. We are taxing corn syrup and subsidizing it at the same time, in other words. "The bigger issue, which the industry neither can nor particularly cares to rebut, is that the product [corn syrup] exists
S. domestic law, a U.S. citizen or resident (Non U.S. person) who is a beneficiary of a foreign retirement plan would be subjected to the existing U.S. income taxation on all of the income that is accrued in their foreign investment plans even though their income is never currently distributed per se to the beneficiary. This should be the case unless the foreign retirement plan accounts as the employee's trust
tax system of one country with that of another is an exercise fraught with dificulties and ultimately doomed to failure . tax system will never be much more than a reflection of strongly national cultures and forces. discuss this statement in the light of your knowledge of comparative tax system in developing and/or developed countries i Tax Systems The following pages focus on analyzing the factors of influence on different countries'
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