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Rewriting Hemingway's Novel About The Old Man And Sea Essay

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The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Type of Change

Divergence: Changing the ending so that the fish reaches the shore alive and the old man passes away in his sleep.


Place: The Cuban coast and the old man's hut.

Appearance/Feel: The sea is calm and serene, symbolizing peacefulness. The hut is simple and made of wood and palm leaves and adorned with shells from sea. Its appearance reflects the old man's humble life and his connection to the sea, the coast, and his immediate environment.

Original Scene Elements to Keep: The sea, the boat, and the hut.

Point of View

Narrator: The story is narrated from a third-person limited perspective, focusing on the fish's journey to the shore. One can see the characters and the scene but not inside the characters heads.

Influence on Perspective: The narrative focuses on the natural world's resilience and the cycle of life and the connection between the man and the sea. He is bringing a live fish to shore, separating it from its habitat, and in exchange he is giving up his own life on the shore, as his spirit leaves while he dies...

…called home but a greater power than he and departs while the old man sleeps.

Falling Action: The old man, back in his hut, reflects on life and his connection with naturebut we only see this through his actions, his gaze, his sense of empathy in his face.

Resolution: The old man passes away peacefully in his sleep, while the fish remains a symbol of life's persistence, alive.

Universal Theme

Message: The story conveys the theme of respect for nature's cycle of life and the dignity and grace that goes with accepting life's inevitable end. The beauty of finding this harmony is…

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