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Research Paper And School Term Paper

¶ … persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way. In a discussion with a colleague about the merits of a certain political leader, I repeated the colleague's concerns back to him to show that I had been listening and that I understood what his issues were. Then I used my knowledge of the subject to answer the objections and to correct some inaccuracies in what he said. I did not do so in a judgmental or affronting manner, but rather intimated that he himself could check up on what I was saying to see for himself. I encouraged him to do just that in a friendly manner, he agreed to do so, and when he returned he agreed that my perspective had been correct because it was based on actual evidence.

Describe a time when you were faced with a stressful situation that demonstrated your coping skills.

When my friend became sick, it was very trying because he needed help tending to his business. I was able to help but it added a great deal of stress to my life. I found that talking about the issue helped alleviate my mind and continue on with helping until he was able to get better and return to the job. Communicating with others about my own limitations and abilities helped me be a better friend and helper in this situation.

3. Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic in solving a problem.

I decided that the important thing was to have a roommate who could help with the rent so while I might like the former's personality more he did not fit the bill in terms of the bottom line.
4.Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet or achieve it.

When I decided to paint a portrait over the summer, I had to first learn how to paint and then maintain a consistent schedule over a set amount of weeks to achieve my goal. I spent the first two weeks reading and watching tutorials, and this got me prepared to start painting. Then I allotted time for myself every day to continue working at the project. At the end of the summer, my portrait was completed because I had maintained the routine and started off on the right foot by educating myself on how to proceed.

5. Tell me about a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.

For a class, I had to give an argumentative research presentation. I first researched the topic, formulated a thesis, then provided evidence to support the thesis. I also considered an opposing point of view and researched reasons for why my thesis was still correct in light of this opposite opinion. My speech received a high grade for being concise, on point, clearly and entertainingly presented, and persuasive.

6. Give me a specific example of a time when you had to conform to a policy with which you did…

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