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Registered Nurse And Character Essay

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Adoption Letters Mention Date Here

To whom it may concern,

I have known Ronald and Rosalie Spencer for 10 years. We met them for the first time when we were in their shelter home and we have enjoyed a great relationship with them since. Ronald is a lawyer while Rosie is a registered nurse. We reside in the same neighborhood. We have interacted lots of times and spent a great deal of time together doing various activities.

Ronald is kind and lovable and has always been there to help whenever I needed assistance. He is a man you can trust and is also very loyal to his friends. He is a man you can bank on to be available for you when you most need his help.

Rosalie is also a lovable person who has a heart of gold. She has volunteered and continues to volunteer at a local kid's center. She has a way with kids and loves to bring a smile to their faces when she is around. She has been a great example of strength and character to the kids.

I have been a first-hand witness to how caring and loving Ronald and Rosalie can be. At the kids' center, they have given the kids several opportunities for self-exploration and self-discovery as they help the kids through various interactive games and leisure activities. Ronald is smart and sensitive. Watching him play with the children at family events or meetings with colleagues has always warmed my heart.

Both Ronald and Rosalie are upbeat people who enjoy active lifestyles. They enjoy outdoor activities such as fishing and hiking but it is amazing how they can get away from them with so much ease to meet friends and family members or to just stay at home to enjoy each other's company.

As for Rosie, she is well-regarded among all the staff at the hospital as a person of high integrity and honesty. We have been together in several emergency situations, and she has always conducted herself with common sense and compassion.

I am not aware of anything in their history or character that can be deterrence to them being great adoptive...

I wholeheartedly request that Ronald and Rosalie be allowed the opportunity to be a blessing to the two angels they wish to bring to their household.
I am very confident that Ronald and Rosalie will be great adoptive parents. Should you want to know more about me or Ronald and Rosalie, feel free to reach me through the phone number below.

Contact: X



Version II

Mention Date Here

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter with great joy and excitement as I know how much of a blessing an adoption by the right person can be to a child in need.

I have known Ronald and Rosalie Spencer for 10 years now. We first met at their shelter home and our friendship has only gotten stronger since then. We live in the same neighborhood and I have visited them in their modern 3-bedroom home several times.

It is a home filled with love and happiness. It has always been a joy seeing Rosalie play with colleagues' children whenever friends come over. Nurturing truly does come easy to her and she is a genuinely loving person. My niece and daughter love them so much.

An adoption brings with it great emotional, time and financial commitment. I have never known two people who are more willing to sacrifice so much for the joy of another person. They are the most caring and loving people I have ever met. For this reason, I truly believe that any child will find it a blessing to live and grow under their care.

I believe the two girls will be blessed to be cared for by Ronald and Rosalie. They are coming into a happy and loving household with two parents who will truly love and care for them. The house Ronald and Rosalie live in is clean and well cared for. The home is modern but what makes it a great home is the loving and caring nature of its occupants.

Ronald is a kind and loving person who is always willing to help whenever he can. He is affectionate and trustworthy. Rosalie is caring and gentle and truly loves to help other people.

Should you need more information about me or Ronald and Rosalie, feel free to reach me through X.



Version III

Mention Date Here

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to tell you about the character of Ronald and Rosalie Spencer. Ronald works as a lawyer while Rosalie works as a registered nurse at (XXX Hospital Name). Rosalie has been honored several times for her self-less service and dedication as nurse.

I have…

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