In general East Coast Yachts has below average financial performance compared to its industry peers. With respect to solvency and liquidity, the company has a current ratio of 1.12 and a quick ratio of 0.66. Both of these lie below the median for the industry but are comfortably above the lower quartile. The debt ratio is 35.8% and the debt/equity ratio is 91.9%. These figures are also in the second quartile for the industry, with the debt ratio just above the cutoff for the lower quartile. Interest coverage is 7.95 times, again putting the company between the median and the lower quartile.
In terms of efficiency, total asset turnover is 1.51 times, inventory turnover is 19.2 times and receivables turnover is 30.6. The latter is in the upper quartile, indicating that the company has a good collections system. Total asset turnover is just above the lowest quartile while the inventory turnover is in the second-highest quartile. Taken as a whole, these figures are all over the map, but the receivables turnover and relatively high inventory...
Finance One difference between industries with high leverage and low leverage is a split between the need for fixed assets (high leverage) and a reliance on intellectual capital (low leverage). Airlines need planes, construction companies need equipment, and communications and hotel companies need infrastructure capacity. This compares with computers, drugs, biological products, educational services and electronics, all of which rely heavily on intellectual property to derive value. The conclusion that one
Ethics and Firm's Goals Agency Problems: The shareholders of a corporation are its owners, and these oweners control management by electing a board (with most smaller shareholders voting "by proxy" or not really voting at all) that oversees the executive positions in the corporation, who in turn oversee the operations and management of the firm. An agency relationship exists to separate the personal liabilities of the shareholders/owners and the actions/resources of
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