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Rationale Child Spiritual Development Essay


Historically, school systems not only permitted but encouraged religious instruction and children were enabled to integrate their spiritual views in the processing of the feelings about the events of the world ultimately allowing them to have well developed moral and philosophical bases for themselves and their interactions with the world around them. The result is that educators were enabled in assisting students in their development of themselves in a more fully rounded manner and to create a strong value system to direct their lives. This study examines these issues through a qualitative lens and attempts to understand the role of religion through a holistic model educators use in providing support for the continued growth and learning of students. Specifically this work intends to examine the influence of the church congregation on the development of young people and specifically on their spiritual development through interaction and engagement with the congregation...

(Roehlkeparta, 2006, paraphrased) The spiritual capacities of children have been previously underestimated. There are capacities and experiences of the child that have a powerful impact on the child's spiritual development however, theories relating to cognition erroneously discount the ability of the child to experience growth that is meaningful or their ability to experience a spiritual life that is of an genuine nature. Jent (nd) examines this issue from the view of conversion and states that the child's understanding and experience of conversion is dependent upon the child's "ability….age…capacity to grasp thoughts and make decisions…"(p. 62) While Jett holds that a child would only very rarely be "ready for a…

Sources used in this document:

Jent, GA (nd) When Can a Person, Especially a Child, Have a Genuine Conversion Experience? Retrieved from:
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