In additon, there is the sustenance of a certain sense of uniformity in accordance with the economic accomplishments of the American society. Besides, given the continued electoral progress of the far-right parties that formally eschew anti-Semitism, and the lack of progress made by the radical, neo-Nazi or extremist groups that are often openly anti-Semitic, maintaining the distinction between these two types of groups (although the boundaries are occasionally blurred) continues to be crucial. Now when this is the overall situation, will it be wrong to ascertain that the threat of the surfacing of racism in the class rooms among the students is a distant dream!
However, this is not the real situation, though the society is apparently is in equilibrium. There have been several studies in the recent decades in this direction, and what has come out is patently horrifying. A new study has shown that racism among white college students is widespread, although not openly apparent. Sociologists studied 626 journals kept by white college students at colleges and universities across the United States and found repeated racist slurs and stereotypes such as blacks being lazy, criminal and oversexed. Publicly, however, these students showed no outward racism towards black students. The findings will be released in a new book entitled "Two-Faced Racism: Whites in the Backstage and Front stage," published this spring by Rutledge, in short days. Is there anything more to say?
Page Seven: Major Controversies if Any
In the realm of the United States of America, the notion of racism has always been a major source of controversy, since the colonial era till date. What can be the most apposite reason behind this? It should be perceived in the light of historical records and developments. From the earlier days, the country has always been dominated by a settler society, which is comprised of the religiously and ethnically diverse white people. It is also to be noted, that the major racially structured institutions include slavery, settlement, Indian reservations, segregation, residential schools (for American Indians), and internment camps. On the other hand, the concept of social stratification has occurred in the realms of employment, housing, education and government. But from the beginning of the 20 th century, the rise of political consciousness among the Blacks led to the commencement of a period of major confrontational politics, resulting into greater controversies, that almost had torn the society apart.
However, with the beginning of this consciousness, the saga of racial discrimination became largely criminalized in the mid-20th century, nevertheless, there was the persistence of the major inequalities. With the passing of the years, in spite of enactment the account of racism has given birth to major controversies, from time to time. In the recent years, the heaviset burdens of racism in the country have fallen upon Native Ameicans, Asians, African-Americans, Latin Americans, and along with this on some other immigrant groups and their descendants. There is no doubt in it that the racist attitudes, or prejudice, are still held by substantial portions of the population, leading to the rise of several controversies. To the popular studies, members of every American ethnic group have perceived racism in their dealings with other groups.
Types of Controversies: Institutional Racism
In the recent years, in the realm of the United States of America, there have been lots of controversies over the notion of Institutional Racism. Institutional Racism refers to a definite form of the practice of racism, which occurs especially in the institutions, that includes public bodies, corporations, and also the universities. In short, it is a theory that continuing aspects of the structure, permeant attitudes, and established institutions of society disadvantage some racial groups in particular, although there may not be the presence of any kind of overtly discriminatory mechanism. It has been found, that indeed there are several factors that do play a dominant role in the saga of institutional racism. There is the presence of several factors, but they are not included to that. For instance, accrued wealth/benefits from racial groups that have benefited from past discrimination, educational and occupational disadvantages faced by non-native English speakers in the United States, deep-rooted stereotypical images that are still prominent in the society (e.g. black men are likely to be criminals).
However, it is also true, that some highly acclaimed institutions are in the process of taking adequate steps for the sake of combating the so called structural disadvantages in the modern American society. In particular, regarding the case...
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