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QuikTrip Case Study


This discussion concerns itself with a case study titled, QuikTrip, by Zeynep Ton. In essence, Zeynep Ton seeks to assess the approach that QuikTrip has embraced in efforts to outshine the competition. She also discusses the companys capabilities in as far as the maintenance of a huge loyal workforce is concerned. The discussion below assesses the impact of this particular convenience chains practices as well as operational strategies.

Part 1

QuikTrips Operations Strategy

An operations strategy could be conceptualized as the basic approach that an enterprise takes in seeking to execute its mandate. For this reason, it has got to do with a companys approach in efforts to achieve its objectives. In the case of QuikTrip, the operations strategy could be thought of in terms of customer service. Thus, to a large extent, the company has in place a core-competencies strategy. According to Brown, Lamming, and Bessant (2007), a core-competencies strategy has got to do with the deployment of systems and processes that seek to further enhance a companys capabilities, resources, strengths, etc. Thus, in the words of the authors, a company's core competencies can include its proprietary technology, employees, financial position, market share and distribution system (Brown, Lamming, and Bessant, 2007). One of the major strengths that QuikTrip has sought to project relates to employee development. As a matter of fact, as has been pointed out in the case study, the companys purpose statement states, in no uncertain terms, that QuikTrips purpose is to provide an opportunity for employees to grow and succeed (4). In so doing, the company seeks to ensure that it finds persons best suited for the tasks at hand, and then equipping them with the tools, resources, and capabilities to effectively execute their mandate. To find the person most suited for the available role, the company takes serious consideration of factors considered predictors of high performance. Training is aggressive and is focused on critical skills required for optimal performance. The company also seeks to ensure that employees are well motivated to perform effectively in their various duties. The company treats its employees so well to the extent that most do not see the need to pursue employment opportunities elsewhere.

How Organization Seeks to Gain Competitive Advantage In Terms of Sustainability

Sustainability has got to do with the conduct of business in a manner that does have a negative impact on either the community (as well as larger society) or environment (Bumford and Forrester, 2010). This the company has sought to achieve by infusing the ideals of corporate responsibility in its core values. This is more so the case in relation to core value 5, where employees are called upon to do the right thing (3). Here, employees are required to think about how their actions impact the company as well as its key stakeholders (i.e. customers and the community). Further, partnerships and encouraged in efforts to support communities. This could be a source of competitive advantage for the company in the sense that customers are likely to consider doing business with a company that takes sustainability seriously. Qualified and skilled persons are also more likely to work for a company that demonstrates clear efforts on this front.

Part 2

Impact of Operation Management Activities on Customer Experience

It is clear from the case study that customer experience is in this case immensely impacted upon by the various operation management activities. From a general perspective, the company has consistently been focused on long-term impact even in those scenarios where there is a sizeable cost in the short-run. For instance, the QuikTrip sought to renovate...

…and Forrester (2010) this is an approach that has extensively been utilized by hotels and retail stores. I am of the opinion that QuikTrip could also find the technique more worthwhile in the measurement or evaluation of its service-delivery system design by hiring and deploying a higher number of personnel in more frequent formats. Better insights could be gathered by capturing and analyzing larger amounts of data with the said analysis conducted by utilizing various computer-aided modeling systems.

Part 5

Technologies Applied to QuikTrips Service Operations and How they Strengthen Value Chain

Some of the technologies that QuikTrip has applied to its various service operations are inclusive of, but they are not limited to speed keys and internally designed statistical models. To begin with, with regard to the speed keys, these are instrumental in ensuring that customers are served as fast as possible. More specifically, these help in speeding up the checkout. Customers are, thus, not kept in the store for longer than is necessary which is an indication of respect for their time. On the other hand, the internally designed statistical models are instrumental in efforts to promote the optimal selection of store locations. This means that each store would be set up in a location that would be ideal and convenient for customers. This is more so the case given that the said model takes into account a wide range of factors in store selection, i.e. vehicle traffic, crime rates, as well as demographics.


In the final analysis, it is clear from the discussion above that the relevance of making proper and sound operational decisions cannot be overstated. In addition to offering ideal process, the companyhas also managed to invest in its employees. Further, it aggressively pursues and seeks to have a service advantage. This is more so the case…

Sources used in this document:


Brown, S., Lamming, R. & Bessant, J. (2007). Strategic Operations Management. Routledge.

Bumford, D. & Forrester, P. (2010). Essential Guide to Operations Management: Concepts and Case Notes. John Wiley & Sons.

Morden, T. (2021). Principles of Management. Taylor & Francis Group.

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