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Pursuits Of Solomon As Dealt Term Paper

The reflections of Solomon are in reality Solomon's search for meaning which may be applied to man's existence. Solomon had 300 wives and 700 concubines as well as vast wealth and knowledge and great respect of those around him and yet, even all this, Solomon learned was not enough to gratify the heart and the soul of man. III. SOLOMON'S SEARCH for MEANING LEADS to GOD

Solomon notes the rising and setting of the sun as well as the blowing of the wind and the falling of rain into the rivers and oceans in a process that continually repeats over and again. This is noted by Solomon to provide an illustration of how the mechanics of life, the earth and the universe continue in repetition while man comes and then goes and it being as though he never lived. Solomon, in his searching comes to the understanding that the world as mankind knows it is characterized by some very fundamental flaws that nothing man is capable of doing will bring about the changes needed. Therefore, the realization of Solomon is that man must search outside of the world and himself in gaining something that is lasting and infinite and that only God can fulfill this need in man. Solomon attempted to satisfy his yearnings through many pursuits but found however, that all these things are 'vanities' and hopeless as well as foolish pursuits that will leave the human being empty-handed at the end of the journey of life. Solomon can to the realization that the only thing a man can leave this world with at the time of...

This is the only satisfaction realized by man in this lifetime that has the power to carry over and follow man into the everlasting or the existence beyond this physical existence on earth.

The Wisdom of Solomon can be easily understood to have been gained through trial and error and through the process of honest and candid reflection, upon not only his life, but the lives of those around him as he witnessed the futile pursuits of himself and others. These pursuits were noted by Solomon to culminate in meaningless rewards that were temporary and that could be merely be blown away with the wind holding no real meaning and no everlasting worth. Solomon was not wise because he was perfect, indeed no; Solomon was wise because of his willingness to reflect honestly upon his own life and the deeper meanings of life.


Sumlin, Shea (2007) Life's Ultimate Question: Ecclesiastes 11: 2-26. 28 Aug 2007. Online AXCESS available at

Harbison, Rob (nd) Ecclesiastes the Preacher. Online available at

Glasson, T. Francis (1983) You Never Know: The Message of Ecclesiastes 11:1-6. Evangelical Quarterly 55(1):43-48.

Pursuits of Solomon as Dealt with in Ecclesiastes

Sources used in this document:

Sumlin, Shea (2007) Life's Ultimate Question: Ecclesiastes 11: 2-26. 28 Aug 2007. Online AXCESS available at

Harbison, Rob (nd) Ecclesiastes the Preacher. Online available at

Glasson, T. Francis (1983) You Never Know: The Message of Ecclesiastes 11:1-6. Evangelical Quarterly 55(1):43-48.

Pursuits of Solomon as Dealt with in Ecclesiastes
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