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Public Health And Disease Term Paper


Descriptive Epidemiology in Nursing Science

The genesis for the disease control involves summarizing the different conditions using the variables such as place, time, and person to analyze the disease outbreak, patterns, and the outcomes. Often, sound decisions regarding the outbreak of an epidemic require data collections, hypothesizing the possible causes of diseases outbreak, and using effective strategies for evaluation of the program to understand the health status in the population (Lithovius et al. 2015). The desire of public health professionals in an epidemiological study is to understand the determinants of the disease and its distribution. The distribution and the patterns of a disease are important in determining the intervention programs and evaluations strategies to counter the disease outbreak.

In nursing practices, the descriptive epidemiology is one of the sources of information about the health status of the population. It helps give a picture regarding the distributions of the people and the patterns of disease outbreaks within the populations. Various variables are helpful in descriptive epidemiology. For example, the personal characteristics such as race, age, and sex are the terms used to describe the proportion of the populations that are affected the most by the disease outbreak (Teixeira et al. 2013). The place and year are important descriptive terms in public health because the interest of the public health officer's relates to the region suffering the effects of the disease. Sometimes, the regional imbalance in the spread of a disease creates some interest in the public health with the need to understand the distribution patterns. The time of the outbreak is important for the records where the researcher's users understand the periods when the disease outbreaks were intensive. The population patterns as dense, sparse, and linear types of settlement are some of the terminologies that the researchers need to understand the diseases control and distribution patterns in the population.


Apparently, the practitioners use data like time, place, and population distribution in their practice because they are useful in describing the population suffering from the epidemics. The nurses use the knowledge of descriptive epidemiology to understand the determinants of a healthy population ranging from the outcomes of the exposure and the risks of the populations (Assiri, et al. 2013). The nurses are also part of the research team with intentions to understand risks of the exposures and necessary interventions programs in the populations. The ultimate goal of the study of epidemiology in nursing is to understand the spread of the risk factors, the populations that are the most susceptible to the infections and the most reliable interventions methods to use in the disease control measures in the population (Lithovius et al. 2015). The nurse practitioners have an interest in the best methods for monitoring the health status of the patients, the gender disparities in the infections and durations of the spread of the epidemic. The study if the disease outbreak in the population is important in the applications of the measures of control to a specific epidemic (Ausserhofer et al. 2014). The nurses have an interest in the heath personal characteristics, and risk factors that expose and individual to the disease.
Question 2

The study of the rates of infections in the population is not only a source of knowledge but also a guide for actions and decision-making. The public health officers use the knowledge of descriptive epidemiology to understand the patterns of disease outbreak and the most favorable measures to stop the epidemic. The information from the public helps in making an informed decision regarding the regulations of the spread of the epidemic (McElwaine et al. 2015). It is easier to treat the patient when the public health nurse has all the information and data to address the needs of the patients. The scientific knowledge for collecting and analyzing data guides in the decision making regarding the spread of the disease infections in the population.

The knowledge of applied epidemiology has been applied in monitoring the spread of communicable diseases in the community, and in the analysis of the risk factors for the spread of the disease within the environments of the populations. The epidemiology has triggered research in various sections of the public health to understand the variables making the populations susceptible to the spread of an epidemic (Canadas-De la et al. 2015). The idea of descriptive epidemiology helps in connecting…

Sources used in this document:

Assiri, A., Al-Tawfiq, J. A., Al-Rabeeah, A. A., Al-Rabiah, F. A., Al-Hajjar, S., Al-Barrak, A.,. .. & Makhdoom, H. Q. (2013). Epidemiological, demographic, and clinical characteristics of 47 cases of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus disease from Saudi Arabia: a descriptive study. The Lancet infectious diseases, 13(9), 752-761.

Ausserhofer, D., Zander, B., Busse, R., Schubert, M., De Geest, S., Rafferty, A. M.,. .. & Sjetne, I. S. (2014). Prevalence, patterns, and predictors of nursing care left undone in European hospitals: results from the multicountry cross-sectional RN4CAST study. BMJ quality & safety, 23(2), 126-135.

Canadas-De la Fuente, G. A., Vargas, C., San Luis, C., Garcia, I., Canadas, G. R., & Emilia, I. (2015). Risk factors and prevalence of burnout syndrome in the nursing profession. International journal of nursing studies, 52(1), 240-249.

Lithovius, R. H., Ylikontiola, L. P., Harila, V., & Sandor, G. K. (2014). A descriptive epidemiology study of cleft lip and palate in Northern Finland. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 72(5), 372-375.
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