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Psychology Identify And Describe Piaget's Essay

Answer: While these problems appear to be divergent, they are however linked together by a common factor and that is poor self-esteem. There is a close relationship between self-esteem elements that promote it, and the absence of some of the problems listed. The converse is also true that persons who have self-esteem issues are more prone to have an eating disorder, engage in risky sexual behavior, abuse substances, and be delinquent.

Self-esteem is essentially how the individual views himself or herself or values the self. Ideas of self-esteem are developed very early in childhood and as the individual matures, the sense of self may become damaged. Persons who have a damaged conception of themselves usually think that others see them as damaged when it is really how they see themselves. Even very beautiful women may think that they are unattractive or ugly. The most important element is the feedback you received about yourself as a child that shape largely the unconscious components of self-esteem.

Question: Describe the physical, cognitive, and social changes that occur in late adulthood. Identify the ways that older adults can cope successfully with these changes.

Answer: As individuals age there are multiple changes that take place in their body and their brains. Many of these changes are not inevitable, but are the consequence of the cessation of activities as the individual bows to social pressure to act their age. Physically...

This loss can be compensated for through dietary changes and exercise. The exercise component should include the use of weights to assist in the retardation of muscle loss and toning. Physically there is a progressive loss of eyesight and hearing. Additionally, there may be the increased frequency of diseases and for women the loss of bone mass through calcium depletion. Much of the physical effects can be reduced by exercise and a more active lifestyle.
The brain is also affected as aging takes hold of the individual. There may be heightened memory loss particularly in the short-term memory. Individuals may experience moments of disorientation and confusion as a symptom is self. Some studies have shown however that the reduction of cognitive function that is experience can be corrected when greater use is made of activities to stimulate mental activity. Simple exercises like crossword puzzles have been shown to improve brain function.

Socially the elderly may experience greater isolation and loneliness as peers pass on. There is also the problem of the loss of decision-making power. Well-meaning children may take steps to make life easier and assume more of the decision-making but this divests the elderly of their power. Much of this can be forestalled with assertiveness and having clear discussions very early before difficulties start with children concerning care and support while aging.

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