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Promoting Fuel Efficient Cars, Establishing Green Spaces Essay

¶ … promoting fuel efficient cars, establishing green spaces or forestry, random emission testing, and encouraging alternative transportation, walking, and bicycle use. The total cost is $15.5 M. Fuel efficient cars

Fuel efficient cars not only reduces pollution but I chose it due to the fact that it is also a good option given today's rising gas prices.

Fuel efficient cars come in 2 categories -- electric and water. What this means is that these cars substitute gas -- which pollutes the atmosphere -- with either electricity or water or hydroxyl.

Hybrid cars are healthier for the environment since they combine gas and water (or electricity) producing lower emissions. They also reduce dependence on fossil fuel which is the main source of fuel today.(

The trade-offs of fuel efficient cars are first and foremost price. That, however, can be overcome by compelling distributors to lower the price by making it a more common commodity.

Nonetheless, other disadvantages include the following:

Hybrid cars weigh more than standard cars due to weight of batteries

High voltage wires may be exposed in a crash leading to greater danger

They are not practical for long distance use since batteries need to be recharged and there are few stations that service hybrid cars.

Nonetheless, if hybrid cars become more popular, these...

Green spaces / forestry
This is one of my most certain choices. Trees and green space are relatively cheap to plant and their benefits are enormous. Not only do they breathe out oxygen and encourage life, but they also refresh people and de-stress us.

Green spaces are terrific for reducing all sorts of pollution. They can, for instance, suppress noise pollution by densely growing shrubs and green. Trees have been shown to absorb pollutants; as few as 20 trees can offset the pollution from a car driven 60 miles per day. Green spaces can also clean partially-treated wastewater . They reduce both liquid waste and solid waste. The former by providing low-flow plumbing, rainwater collection, drought-resistant landscaping and so forth, and the latter by setting household garbage limits. They also provide local recycling and composting centers whilst community gardens provide chemical-free food production.

Their trade-offs are hard to envision. The primary one that comes to mind is the fact that green-spaces take away from urban space, consequently causing people to compress in smaller places. Whilst wealthier people can afford the wider, greener spots, urban centers may become increasingly more congested causing pollution to become compressed and expand in these pockets of urban space.

3. Random emission testing

Cars that are tested for emission tend to pollute less than the same cars that do not pass the emission test (Supnithadnaporn, 2007). Testing for emission is therefore important since…

Sources used in this document:

Future-Method. Fuel Efficient Hybrid Cars -- Initiatives to Reduce Pollution.

The benefits of alternative transportation

Supnithadnaporn, (2007), Do Vehicles Passing Emission Test Pollute Less-Georgia Institute of Technology
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