exposure due to liability apart from increased premiums of employees compensation. Employers possess a self-interest while maintaining a workplace which free from drugs meant for the security as well as interests of staffs and bosses alike. But this is far from the complete picture. Debate comes to the fray when bosses either inexpertly or through force enforce drug testing in a way which infringes individual or privileges granted by the constitution like 'Right to Privacy' or the safeguard from illegal investigations as well as arrests. Although almost all states allow employee testing of drugs, nevertheless no state mandate
In case of particular bosses who execute testing programs of drugs, it is vital that the adhere to procedure stipulated under the state and federal laws so as to guarantee protection of employee rights and privileges. ("Drug Testing," n. d.)
Coming to the constitutional provisions, the U.S. Constitution does not ban employee drug testing. But in the 1989 Treasury Employees v. Von Raab, 489 U.S., 656 of the U.S. Supreme Court case, the verdict announced by the High Court was that staffs are required to show urine specimen that comprised an investigation under the purview of the U.S. Constitution's Fourth Amendment. Thus, every test of that nature must comply with the justification necessities of the Fourth Amendment that safeguards the countrymen against "unjustified" investigations as well as arrests. Besides, the Court too gave a ruling that tests which are positive cannot hold good in forthcoming prosecutions of criminal nature in the absence of employee's consent. One more constitutional of drug testing of employees entails the Fifth Amendment which is applicable to the states by the Fourth Amendment that bans life denial, freedom or assets in the absence of permissible legal procedure. ("Drug Testing," n. d.)
As the bulk of the private-sector employees in the U.S. leaving employees under the union regarded as employees who work under will, a boss is not liable to express a cause for job dismissal. but, under certain conditions, the rejection job, or the rejection of ongoing employment dependent on drug tests might call upon "due process" issues, like the staying in force of the results of the test, the rights of the staff to react, or any necessary note to a staff. Eventually, identical terms under the Constitutions, persons possess a basic right to self-privacy as also his assets. Testing of drugs might come under the ambit of constitutional challenge in case testing outcomes are revealed in an arbitrary manner, in case the methods for obtaining the personal specimens fail to honor the right to privacy of the individual or in case the experiment is needlessly or greatly forced upon. ("Drug Testing," n. d.)
Random drug tests do not constitute a surefire measurement of job performance. Rather, random drug testing policies on employees wrongly allow bosses to embark on eavesdropping private, outside the job personal performances and practices of employees which are beyond the scope of employers' business. It is been rightly pointed out that employees should be evaluated by the quality of their work, and never by the quality of their urine. If the federal data are any indication, just a small portion of the American working population ever consumes an illegal substance and even fewer consume any illegal drug. but, random workplace drug testing program consider every employees responsible for unlawful activity till the moment their urine report says on the contrary. On this accord, random employee drug testing is considered as a degrading, persistent practice that functions against the long-term American ideals of due process and assumption of innocence. (Armentano, n. d.)
Through the practice of random drug testing, it employees are forced to submit proof against themselves and surrender their privacy rights as an essential requirement for employment. Instead of considering their workers guiltless of illegal activity as statistically, the vast majority are the execution of employee drug testing assumes the whole employee strength accountable till the moment they prove to the contrary. According to the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the preventive outcomes of drug testing have at no point of time been proved....
The last reason to be mentioned in this essay as to why people might consider drug testing medical professionals is because of the fear it might give motive to medical professionals to stay clean and not abuse drugs. Although there is some truth to this idea, time and time again it has been shown not to be the case. There are many examples of people who are on probation for
This would also serve to improve the relationship and the trust between the teachers, students and their parents. Bibliography OHSU, (Dec 2002), 'Pilot Study Reports High School Drug-Testing Program Dramatically Reduces Drug Use', Retrieved on February 23rd 2008, from, Robert Taylor, (1997) 'Compensating Behavior and the Drug Testing of High School Athletes', CATO Journal, Retrieved on Feb 24th 2008, at Jennifer Kern, Fatema Gunja, Alexandra Cox, Marsha Rosenbaum, Ph.D., Judith Appel, J.D.
risk in terms of privacy than our medical you agree? Or, are your financial records more at risk, especially given events in the news lately. Which is greater in your mind (yes, you have to pick one)? Why? Although keeping your medical records private is important, I believe that it is more important to keep your financial records private. Identity theft is one of the most prolific crimes of
Advocacy for Medicinal Marijuana Over Other Drugs For a considerable period of time, the reliance for the betterment of the health of an individual has depended on herbal remedies, and in many part of the world and in many households even, these continue to take a preference over the more advanced medical drugs that have come to define modern medicine. Cannabis or Medical Marijuana is one such example of an herb that
Of course, it becomes a very difficult matter to overcome sparse levels of availability when they are encountered (e.g. In the more remote regions of Western Australia). Taken together, the issues suggest that the impact of availability policy on the use of alcohol may be as heterogeneous as patterns of availability themselves. The reduction of one outlet in an urban area has significantly different meaning and implications than the reduction
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