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President Lincoln Abraham Lincoln's Life Term Paper

Such speculations were extremely damaging for the strength of the government, and similar conspiracy theories fascinate historians to this day. In this, at least one part of Booth's ideal was realized: government weakness. This however did not result in a revival for the South, which was in fact the ultimate aim. In conclusion, Lincoln's death meant that his attempts at countrywide reform were immediately nullified. Without his leadership, and in concomitance with the many conspiracy theories at the time, the government was unable to carry further such work. The country was not nearly strong enough to benefit from the good work done by Lincoln. In this way, his untimely death at the hands of Booth all but drove the country back to where it was before his good influence.

The death of President Lincoln is one of the senseless tragedies of human life that could be felt on a countrywide scale, and one from which the country might never recover.



1996-2008. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site
Norton, R.J. 1996-2008. Conspiracy Theories. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site

The White House History. 2008. Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln's speech during the dedication ceremony of the military cemetery at Gettysburg (the White House History. 2008. Abraham Lincoln. (

Norton, R.J. 1996-2008. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site

This suggestion was made during a speech that Lincoln delivered to a crowd gathered at the White House (see reference above).

Norton, R.J. 1996-2008. Conspiracy Theories. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site

Sources used in this document:

Norton, R.J. 1996-2008. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site

Norton, R.J. 1996-2008. Conspiracy Theories. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site

The White House History. 2008. Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln's speech during the dedication ceremony of the military cemetery at Gettysburg (the White House History. 2008. Abraham Lincoln. (
Norton, R.J. 1996-2008. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site
Norton, R.J. 1996-2008. Conspiracy Theories. The Abraham Lincoln Research Site
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