Introduction to Political Philosophy
Reflection on Hobbess Argument of All Human Beings Equal in the State Of Nature
The reason Hobbes determined the above statement is because being in a natural state requires equal ability to survive, for which killing and conquering could be part of the process. Three elements become consistent elements of this process: opposing one another for access to resources, disbelief, and magnificence (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.-a). By using their natural power to gain priority over one another for gaining the necessary commodities, they would do whatever they think is right to preserve their lives. They do not care about moral or legal obligations that are useful in establishing a government and commonwealth (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.-a).
Jean-Jacques Argument in The Noble Savage
Jean-Jacques did not explicitly say that humans in the state of nature were vice or in the state of civil society were better off. He believed that their noble savage attitude comes from their years of experience through their development and life progress struggles (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.-b). They have reasoning and thinking capabilities, unlike animals, even in the state of nature. However, the skills are raw and unpolished, as in their freedom. Again, this state does not make them civilized, and they have to learn from their circumstances and advancement possibilities to conquer over a thousand years by upgrading their reasoning competencies (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, n.d.-b).
Marx & Engels Argument for Distinguishing Animals from Humans
Humans should be distinguished from animals because of the ability to reason, with the help of which humans can pursue their right of subsistence. Humans can be characterized based on religion or nationality. However, survival goals and access to resources formulate an ideology of subsistence, conditioned under physical organization (Byron, 2016, p. 382). The actual material life of a human is, therefore, progressing towards material life as they make new advancements for their better survival. People change their living conditions and the environment by upgrading them to suit them for subsistence better. For example, if the bird can build a nest for shelter, humans can build their homes but with variations. Homes could be built from wood, cement and bricks, mud, and even modern homes made from glass. The novelty in ideas induces a material activity that differentiates humans from animals in terms of subsistence (Byron, 2016, p. 383).
Mary Wollstonecrafts Argument about Public and Private Virtue of Women
Womans virtue is deemed problematic by Wollstonecraft since women are considered inferior beings as compared to men. In the eyes of society, men hold a dominating position, and for that, women have to submit to men for their survival and subsistence (Arendt, 2014, p. 142). For that matter, a human, actually women, who do not have their own free will and act upon their will, are not eligible for having a virtue of their own. Lack of free will is predicted as lack of mortality, which is the same for women under the light of Wollstonecrafts argument. It is when political awareness of womens civic rights arises among this gender. Wollstonecraft stated that women have equal civic duties since they take care of home affairs. For equality for both genders, it was perceived imperative for women to be educated (Arendt, 2014, p. 143).
John Stuart Mills Argument about Nature of Women Being an Artificial Thing
Mill believed that the nature of women is eminently artificial since they are forced upon by men and are subjected to repression. These are the unusual stimuli that women bear without their free will, which makes their circumstances...
Platos Opinion about If One Cannot Persuade His Government
In The Duty of Obedience, Platos character Socrates presented an argument that if one cannot persuade his country, then he must subdue to fulfill its orders, no matter how harsh they are, as it is their duty as a citizen (Ross, 1998, p. 314). One must become patient in this submission to punishment, even if it is in the form of imprisonment or lashing.
Henry David Thoreaus Claim for Practical Reason for Majority Vote
Thoreau does not claim that majority is right; it might be supposed to be legitimate since it is physically tougher than the marginal sections of the population (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021-b). With majority rule, there could be more questions on the heavier side of the voting and based on an individuals conscience for deciding right and wrong. The ethical guidelines for something to be just come from reserved rights subjected to morality (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2021-b).
Unjust Law, According To Martin Luther King
In line with Martin Luther King, an unjust law is impoed upon the citizens who are in majority while the minority does not have any part to play in it, suggesting a snatch of their right to vote (Love, 2022). It is a clear portrayal of the humiliation of humanity rather than elevating it. The difference between just and unjust would be based on discrimination that does not become a source of uplift for any individuals personality, which should not be the aim of any countrys government. The government is meant for social wellbeing, whereas it would not…
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Political Philosophy Plato and St. Thomas Aquinas both have some strong opinions on the nature of man and knowledge. Plato held that the soul and body were related, but Aquinas rejected that particular position for the human soul (Alican, 2012; Torrell, 2005). He viewed God and the Angels as intelligent but not rational beings, and addressed the fact that the animal (physical) part of the human experience was what led to
Political Philosophy The purpose of the present paper is to compare and contrast the following books: On Liberty, written by John Stuart Mill in 1859 and The manifesto of the communist party, written by Marx and Engels in 1848. The first part of the paper will describe and analyze the political ideas included in each of the books. The second part will be an attempt to evaluate some of the positive
Political Philosophy We have seen that the nature of nature differs for different thinkers. Explain what nature means for a) Greek (Plato) (b) Catholic Christian (Augustin, Aquinas) - A Protestant Christian (Luther, Calvin). (d) A modern scientific philosopher. (Burke, Smith, Locke). Man, is a creation of God. Man is entitled to happiness, but is bound by the Laws of Nature. Each thinker looks at nature from a different angle. Greek The Greek philosophers like
Marx further included that finally the biased behavior of the working class will end this dictatorship period, and a class less society will establish. He believed that for the formation of this society people need to launch an organized movement against the dictatorship and only a successful revolution would lead to the formation of society of "Communism" (Skoble, 2007). When we talk about the political philosophy, we can observe that both
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tripartite theory of political power? Compare and contrast Plato and Aristotle's political philosophy. According to Professor Dennis Dalton what is "The Break?" Because of the American tendency to bifurcate conceptions of morality and the soul from political structures, it can be at times difficult to grasp the political philosophy of Plato, whereby the nature of the human soul and Plato's ideal political "Republic" are integrally related. For Plato the human
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