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Political Aspects Of Gay Marriage Thesis


The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life work entitled: "Same-Sex Marriage: Redefining Marriage Around the World" states that the 2006 European Commission study states findings that "a plurality of people in the European Union (49%) oppose gay marriage. Yet, as in the United States, the public remains divided on the issue, with 44% favoring same-sex marriage." (Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, 2009)


The issue of whether marriage should be allowed between gay couples is the focus of debate not only the U.S. states but as well is at issue internationally in the countries of the European Union. Civil Unions afford gay couples the same rights are as vested in married heterosexual couples and is simply a legal form of binding two people together, though while not termed to be 'marriage' functions in precisely the same manner from a legal perspective. While it is the contention of some proponents of gay marriage that gay couples should be allowed to enter into marriage, the truth is that in...

states, the 'Civil Union' is the manner in which these couples may legally bind themselves to one another and in reality there is no substantial difference between the 'Civil Union' status of couples as compared to those of heterosexual couples who are married to one another.

Same-Sex Marriage: Redefining Marriage Around the World (2009) the Pew Forum of Religion & Public Life. 22 Jan 2009. Online available at

Pierceson, Jason (2006) Courts, Liberalism, and Rights: Gay Law and Politics in the United States and Canada Vol. 16 No.2 (February 2006), pp.119-122.

Same-Sex Marriage in California: Overview and Issues (2009) UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies. Online available at

Stritof, Bob, and Stritof, Sherri (2009) Same-Sex Marriage License Laws. Same-Sex Marriage. Online available at

Political Aspects of Gay Marriage in the United States

Sources used in this document:

Same-Sex Marriage: Redefining Marriage Around the World (2009) the Pew Forum of Religion & Public Life. 22 Jan 2009. Online available at

Pierceson, Jason (2006) Courts, Liberalism, and Rights: Gay Law and Politics in the United States and Canada Vol. 16 No.2 (February 2006), pp.119-122.

Same-Sex Marriage in California: Overview and Issues (2009) UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies. Online available at

Stritof, Bob, and Stritof, Sherri (2009) Same-Sex Marriage License Laws. Same-Sex Marriage. Online available at
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