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Philosophical Pluralism What Are Some Thesis

In fact, tolerance often stands in the way of engagement. Tolerance does not require us to attempt to understand one another or to know anything about one another. Sometimes tolerance may be all that can be expected. It is a step forward from active hostility, but it is a long way from pluralism" (Eck 1993). Achieving true dialogue and understanding, of course, is easier said than done. Also, teachers must ensure that students meet fairly homogeneous academic standards in the era of No Child Left Behind, which leaves relatively little time to teach about other cultures and foster dialogue, especially in classrooms where children may need to be brought up to basic skills standards or lose funding. Pluralism remains a beautiful ideal, but an ideal...

Pluralism requires a true community relationship and dialogue, a dialogue that may challenge the values of the classroom's participants as well as make them feel included and it takes a great deal of precious classroom time to foster.
Works Cited

Eck, Diana. "The Challenge of Pluralism." Nieman Reports "God in the Newsroom" Issue.

XLVII. 2. (Summer, 1993). December 1, 2008.

MacHacek, David. "The Problem of Pluralism." The Sociology of Religion. 64. 2. (Summer, 2003), pp. 145-161

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Works Cited

Eck, Diana. "The Challenge of Pluralism." Nieman Reports "God in the Newsroom" Issue.

XLVII. 2. (Summer, 1993). December 1, 2008.

MacHacek, David. "The Problem of Pluralism." The Sociology of Religion. 64. 2. (Summer, 2003), pp. 145-161
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