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Personality Tests Are Assessment Tools That Require Essay

¶ … personality tests are assessment tools that require the individual to choose answers from a restricted set of response options as well as validity scales that are intended to determine the truthfulness of the answers of participants. In other words the tests offer options for answering that are intended to be unpredictable to the individual answering the questions, i.e. there are no right or wrong answers and the answer options do not usually offer indications to the participant that indicate the purpose of the question (Arendasy, Sommer, Herle, Schutzhofer, & Inwanschitz, 2011, pgs. 210-218). OPTs tests are utilized frequently in mapping personality, an objective set of traits that can help determine...

One example of an objective personality test would be the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), which is often also used in psychological or clinical diagnosis assistance as well as in business and/or academic setting to aide in individual decision making and/or recruit and identify potential candidates for employment that might be compatible with the organizational needs or to group individuals into effective team and/or group task activities (Khorramdel, & Frebort, 2011, pgs. 103-110).
Objective personality tests are often challenged by researchers and others as to how effective they…

Sources used in this document:

Arendasy, M., Sommer, M., Herle, M., Schutzhofer, B., & Inwanschitz, D. (2011). Modeling effects of faking on an objective personality test. Journal Of Individual Differences, 32(4), 210-218. doi:10.1027/1614-0001/a000053

Khorramdel, L., & Frebort, M. (2011). Context effects on test performance: What about test order?. European Journal Of Psychological Assessment, 27(2), 103-110. doi:10.1027/1015-5759/a000050
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