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Personality Test And Personality Term Paper

Psychological Testing Psychological tests are commonly used to establish individual capabilities and characteristics. Such inference is derived as a result of collecting, integrating and interpreting information about a person (Marnat, 2009). It constitutes measuring variables through the use of procedures and devices crafted to demonstrate a person's behavior (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2009). Assessment of personality is, ideally, the measuring and evaluating of psychological aspects such as one's values, states, world view, personal identity, acculturation, behavior styles, sense of humor and the related characteristics of an individual (Cohen & Swerdlik, 2009). Personality tests are designed to determine the character of a human being or their disposition. The initial personality tests were designed to examine and predict disorders of clinical nature. The tests are still useful today and are applied to determine cases in need of counseling. The latest personality tests are used to measure normal characteristics (Miller, Mclntire, & Lovler, 2011).

Here Is a Description Of A Few Common Personality Tests

Type A or Type B

In the 1950s, Doctor Meyer Friedman and Ray Rosenman developed this personality test that determines whether one is an A or a type B personality. In their analysis, they observed that some people, i.e. Type A, were more likely to develop cardiac complications, owing to their lifestyle, subjecting them to more stress lifecycles than others (Friedman, 1996). The test is made up of 10 sentence pairs. Respondents are required to choose from each pair of a sentence that most describes them. The test lasts between 2 to 3 minutes. It ideally seeks to establish whether one exhibits the typical behavior identified to be a common feature among Type A personality category. These characteristics include being hostile, a hard time in expressing one's emotions, impatience, and one's drive, perfectionism, and an unreasonable dependence on external motivators such as wealth, power and

The outcome from Type A test is aimed at disclosing whether one is more of a rush and persistently stressed out candidate for the type A or type B categories. The information provides clues as to the likelihood of one developing cardiac problems and other health issues connected to the behavior of Type A personality individuals.
2. The DISC Personality Test

The outcomes from the DISC personality model are anchored on the DISC model of Human Behavior. According to Marston, people are driven by four factors that are intrinsic, and determine human behavior. Marston applied four descriptive traits of behavior patterns. These are typically represented by four alphabet letters, i.e. D, I, S and C. This is how the concept came into being. The DISC model of behavior determination is founded on normal behavior patterns. It is a model for wellness. It is known for its objectivity and descriptive nature as opposed to being judgmental and subjective. DISC is universally applicable. It gauges patterns of individuals' observable behavior and measure the intensity of traits by applying open and direct scales for each of the four aspects, i.e. steadiness, dominance, influence and conscientiousness. The DISC model is easy to use and can help people determine their style; besides recognizing and adapting to several other styles. It is a useful aid in teaching effective communication with others around (Rohm, 2013).

3. The 16 Personality Test

It is a questionnaire meant to measure the personality that falls within normal range and believed to be functionally useful in a variety of setups that require deeper and holistic assessment of a person. The 16 Personality Test is a product of many years in factor analytic research that aimed at uncovering the primary structures of human personality. Apart from the 16 traits of personality within normal range, the researchers came up with five broad aspects which are a variant of the so called "Big Five Factors". The five factors define personality at a much higher level in theory. The basic and global levels of the 16PF characteristics work in conjunction to provide a deeper understanding of one's personality (Cattell & Mead, 2008).

Determinants of Personality: Nature vs. Nurture

The nature nurture controversy has always been at the center of psychologists studying personality development. The controversy is based on arguments as to whether a person inborn (genetic) characteristics are entirely responsible for their personality and character traits, or whether…

Sources used in this document:

Cattell, H. E., & Mead, A. D. (2008). The sixteen-personality factor questionnaire (16PF). The SAGE handbook of personality theory and assessment, 2, 135-178.

Cohen, R. & Swerdlik, M. (2009). Psychological testing and assessment (7th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Friedman, M. (1996). Type A Behavior: Its Diagnosis and Treatment. New York: Plenum Press (Kluwer Academic Press)

Groth-Marnat, G. (2009). Handbook of psychological assessment. John Wiley & Sons.
Levitt, M. (2013). Perceptions of nature, nurture and behavior. Life Sciences, Society and Policy, 9(1), 13.
McLeod, S. (2008). Type A Personality. Retrieved 27 February 2017, from
Rohm, R. (2013). A Powerful Way to Understand People Using the DISC Concept. Discovery Report. Retrieved 27 February 2017, from
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