The two approaches employed and explored also provided richer understanding of personality and prejudice as well as comparative analyses between these two approaches. The study was also able to keenly account for certain nuances such as differences in results when certain variables where entered first in multiple regression technique. I also appreciate the fact that the researchers took time to discuss the varying degrees of freedom between person- and variable-centered approaches and were able to justify how they can still be comparable through adjustment of df.
Lastly, the article was not able to state its limitations and recommendation for future research works. It does not elaborate on what may be the limitations of this project which may guide future research works on this domain in order to build upon the knowledge this present study has produced. Failing to note its limitations (particularly in the research design) also makes it difficult for the reader to envision the coverage of this study -- what it was able to account and those, for one reason or another, were not well-accounted for.
III. Empirical Work in Relation to Theories of Personality
Through empirical works such as this, we are able to better see the utility and importance of the theories of personality that we have discussed. This is demonstrated by how Arnold Brecht (1959, p.19) would put it, "the relation between practice and theory is well indicated in the popular saying that we learn best through 'trial and error.' Trial is practice; error refers to theory…"
The theory of Gordon Allport is of very much utility in this empirical work. A great deal of Allport's work can be found on his development of trait as an important factor in understanding personality (Feist & Feist, 2002). This research also makes several assumptions, assumptions that are actually rooted in theories. For example the use of Big Five Personality model is heavily hinged on the concept of "trait" and how it is actually possessed by a single respondent/subject. Further extending the theory of Allport, the concept of 'individual trait' is central to the variable-centered approach that this study explored while Allport's theory on the 'common trait' justifies the method...
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