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People Project Team, Talked Department Heads, Shared Essay

¶ … people project team, talked department heads, shared time skill requirements. All departments provide people project levels needed. The person Design participates heavily type project, leave months project. Who should be chosen for the project team?

Mr. X

Recently, there has been much discussion about the need to replace Ms. A from design with two part-time people on our new project. Two candidates have been offered for my selection for the junior part-time slot: Russell Smith and Katy Jones. I have decided to recommend Katy Jones. Given the critical nature of the project, finding someone with a proven 'track record' is essential. Katy is a long-standing employee with the company and has familiarity with similar projects. She has experience with a product line akin to the current one, on which the project is focused. Given the time lag that has resulted from the need to replace Ms. A, Katy can walk into the job and be useful on 'day one.'

There are some concerns about Katy's availability: the project is projected to require a commitment of 15-20 hours per week, and Katy is only available for 10. However, given this estimation takes into consideration a training period and briefing,...

Katy also knows and works very well with the other employees on the project and there will be less prolonged 'forming' and 'storming' phases in which members of the project get to know one another and jockey for position (Forming, storming, norming, and performing, 2013, Mind Tools).
Russell Smith is qualified, but inexperienced. He has only been at the company for a short period of time. Although he worked on a prior, similar project, it was in at another company in a junior role. Furthermore, it is difficult to assess the level of quality and the challenges posed by this past project. In contrast, we are well aware of the level of accomplishment shown by Katy in all of her endeavors. Another concern about hiring Katy is that she might be 'bored' with working in a junior capacity, given that she is used to fulfilling senior-level functions. But merely because her official position is that of a 'junior' does not mean that the project cannot afford her ample opportunities to shine and to add to her many qualifications.

Interpersonal relationships are very important on projects and being able to work well with others is essential:…

Sources used in this document:

Forming, storming, norming, and performing. (2013). Mind Tools. Retrieved:
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