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Pelvic Inflammatory Disease Pelvic Inflammation Term Paper

Diagnosis will begin with the physical examination of the abdomen. Blood test is undertaken and in general there is an observed increase in the white blood cells. Around 50% of patients with PID have WBC level greater than 10,000 and high ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).[ Stephanie Abbuhl] DNA testing, fluorescent antibody testing and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests can be used on cervical samples to identify the possibility of Chlamydial PID, while cervical samples collected on a medium of Thayer-Martin agar is used to identify gonorrheal infections. Ultrasound and laparoscopy tests are also indicated as they reveal inflammations and pelvic abscesses. However it is not possible to sufficiently examine the fallopian tube using laparoscopy hence diagnosis is not all that straight forward when the condition is acute. Cervical cultures are used to test for STD's like Chlamydia and gonorrhea and related pelvic inflammation. [Zandt]

Common treatment modalities

Antibiotics constitute the mainstay treatment for pelvic inflammatory disease. Treatment for PID presents two main problems. First, obtaining the specimens from the upper genital tracts is difficult. Second, the infection may be attributed to multiple pathogenic agents all of which may not respond to a prescribed medication. Physicians in general prescribe a combination of antibiotics to fight the infection. Cefoxitin, Clindamycin, Ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin and ampicillin are some of the commonly prescribed antibiotics in the treatment of PID. The safety of the drug for use during pregnancy must be ascertained before beginning the course. Also it is necessary as a preemptive measure to treat sexual...

In acute cases where there is severe damage to the peritoneal tissues or bursting of abscess, surgical interventions are necessary. Intrauterine devises need to removed be in order not to increase risk of reinfection. [
Stephanie Abbuhl]


Pelvic inflammatory disease is a highly transmittable and serious condition which requires timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The risk of ectopal pregnancy is tenfold in women with a previous history of PID. Further, delayed diagnosis and treatment will result in poor prognosis and serious complications such as infertility and chronic pelvic pain. Though having a single sex partner is the best way to avoid the problem resorting to safe sex methods would drastically reduce the chances of catching the infection. While research is still underway in developing good diagnostic and effective treatment methods a common sense approach to contain the spread of the disease would be to maintain sexual hygiene and follow precautionary measures.


National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease," Accessed on Nov 27th 2004,

Stephanie Abbuhl, "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease," Accessed on Nov 27th 2004,

3) Zandt, Shirley Van, "Pelvic Pain in Women," Clinical Reviews, 9/1/2000

4) Famolare, Nancy E. "Teaching and communication strategies: working with the hospitalized adolescent with pelvic inflammatory disease,"

Pediatric Nursing; 1/1/1998

Sources used in this document:

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease," Accessed on Nov 27th 2004,

Stephanie Abbuhl, "Pelvic Inflammatory Disease," Accessed on Nov 27th 2004,

3) Zandt, Shirley Van, "Pelvic Pain in Women," Clinical Reviews, 9/1/2000

4) Famolare, Nancy E. "Teaching and communication strategies: working with the hospitalized adolescent with pelvic inflammatory disease,"
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