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Here, the research suggests that "cardiac depression may also cause fluid to back up into the pulmonary system, resulting in pulmonary edema" (Aucoin, 2011, p 12). Moreover, increasing releases of aldosterone can also cause the body to retain fluid and sodium which can lead to endothelial dysfunction and organ fibrosis (Hobbs & Boyle, 2010). Other Systems Along with other systems, there is an impact on the thyroid as well when examining
Pathophysiology of Pain Pain is a physical manifestation of something being wrong within the body. Pain is an indicator of an injury or of a physical illness. Often, it is one of the first indicators that there is something wrong with the health of the patient and anyone experiencing pain should seek medical attention. Acute, chronic, and referred pain are three very different things but are often confused, even by medical
Pathophysiology of Late Onset Alzheimer's Disease The author provides a comprehensive overview of late-onset Alzheimer's disease, including discussions about what is generally known about the disease with regard to heritability, disease progression, and risk factors. Findings from relevant studies on the association of LOAD with genotypes, cellular processes, and patterns of brain deterioration are provided. Brief discussions of pharmacological treatments and future research are included. Key words: Alzheimer's, late-onset Alzheimer's disease (AD) is
Diagnostic Studies In basic terms, medical and family histories act as the basis for CAD diagnosis. In this case, abnormal levels of blood proteins, glucose, cholesterol or fats are risk factors for CAD. Further, the risk of CAD is identified by recording electrical purses of the heart using an electrocardiogram. For purposes of indicating heart failure, a chest x-ray may be taken. Any injury in heart muscles can be identified through
Pathophysiology-Liver Disease The case study is of a 66-year-old man who has been drinking and smoking daily for 30 years. He admits to smoking two packs of cigarette per day and to drinking three glasses of brown alcohol daily for 30 years. Currently his family describes his behavior as erratic; he gets frustrated easily and gets quite aggressive at times. He visited his family doctor after a recent episode of hematemesis
The implication of narrowing is that blood flow to the myocardium is impeded thus leading to the condition described as ischemic. Therefore, occurrence of this condition in the left ventricle is because of impeded oxygen blood flow rather than oxygen content per cubic millimeter of blood (Mann, 2010). 5. Draw a normal ECG wave pattern and show how it relates to the action potentials of cardiac muscle cells. What causes
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