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Paris Hilton: An Exercise In Term Paper

The contortions she was seen performing were not those of the newest fitness trends in hot yoga, but with a hot physique of a different kind. To pick at Hilton's unfortunate sexual performance as seen online by so many pimply-faced web surfers barely out of middle school may seem cruel. Yes, one could say, no one forced her to make it -- make the film that brought her such ill fame, that is. But few of us, public figures or not, would look particularly admirable if our intimate life was displayed for all to see across the Internet. This was, after all, not the public face Hilton wished to show to the world, but a supposedly private moment that got out into the world's eye, unbeknownst to her, in the worst possible fashion and through the worst, most easily disseminated popular media. She was taken advantage of the celebrity seeking of the man she trusted her heart and body with, not of behaving badly on her own.

Very well, give Paris that one moral allowance -- she did not wish to purvey her fame in a negative fashion that sexually exploited herself and her partner. In that incident she was a victim, not a victimizer. But how to explain, one might ask, the fact that Paris has chosen to display herself, with her close friend Nikki, as one of a pair of Malibu Barbies on reality TV -- Fox reality TV no less.

True, the show is self-satire, and shows her as one of 'the people' as part of its narrative. But it inadvertently highlights that the only time this lady gives back to the community, for all of her wealth, with...

The only time Paris Hilton has been seen doing any social good in the past several days was when she and her erstwhile companion in arms, Nicole Richie, was seen brining their TV show, "The Simple Life," to a Wilmington day care facility Small Wonder Daycare center Wednesday morning. There, they reportedly helped load children onto a bus and pushed other children in strollers while looking rather confused at the children's antics. This was supposed to show the girls what 'real work' was like and how 'real children lived.'
And how real people ate. Afterwards, to show they were 'of the people,' Hilton and Richie also ate at a Taco Bell -- or at least, entered one, since presumable it would be toxic for these lovely ladies to ingest the contents -- clearly the menu at the establishment was for Hilton's Chihuahua. A dog, incidentally, acquired only after the success of actress Reece Witherspoon's "Legally Blonde," -- alas, Hilton is not even a pioneer in the dog ownership field of fashion, much less her rather late artistic entry into the reality TV bandwagon.

AOL news reported, while the girls were seen frolicking with the children, who hopefully were not injured by any attempts of these rail thin stars to embrace them goodbye, a nurse with the equally memorable name Candi Creese, who works across the street at an obstetrics and gynecology clinic, noted that "the kids were singing and Paris was doing a little dance." Then Creese's co-worker, Lisa Johnson, reportedly said she planned to ask Hilton, if she wanted her yearly checkups. Fox, "can film that, too," she said, eagerly. However, the Internet still remains blissfully free of that particular sight.

Works Cited

AOL News. "Hilton, Richie, get a dose of day care reality." November 11, 2004.

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AOL News. "Hilton, Richie, get a dose of day care reality." November 11, 2004.
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