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Pana Fete The Red Carpet Term Paper


An impressive collection of over 300 guests are expected to attend, including international designers, models, philanthropists, celebrities, buyers, stylists, journalists, executives and socialites. Ticket prices will begin from U.S. $150 for general individual tickets, U.S. $250 for VIP cocktail tables, and U.S. $350 for access to the exclusive VVIP reception with the designers for photographs and meetings. The evening features a full program of fashion festivities and live entertainment along with hors d'oeuvres and open bar with wine and champagne.


The annual Pana Fete raises awareness and creates an opportunity for cultural exchange, building a lasting network of support for the friends of Africa's emerging fashion scene. The event offers its valued sponsors a rare opportunity to align their brand with the unique platform provided by the premier public relations experience in the African fashion industry. For fashion professionals hoping to capture their share of the growing market for African-inspired haute couture, Pana Fete represents a remarkable opportunity...

With investment levels ranging from $5,000 (Exhibitor) to $50,000 (Presenting/Corporate Sponsor), Pana Fete's valued sponsors are given exclusive access to the corporate buyers, fashion journalists, and socialites that can turn Africa's distinct styles into Hollywood's latest must-have trend.

Pana Fete is a red carpet event that attracts the most recognized and respected figures in African fashion. A comprehensive marketing strategy has been implemented by Pana Fete's organizers to assure that sponsorship levels and ticketing goals are achieved. By building an active presence on Facebook and Twitter, Pana Fete has harnessed the power of social media to spread its message around the world. In addition, Pana Fete has generated positive reviews throughout the print and television wings of the fashion world, and by working with dedicated public relations firms, the event's organizers are working to ensure that media coverage is maximized through all available venues.

-Eunice Omole

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