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Outsourcing Trends About Outsourcing The Term Paper

However, this solution increases the costs, as the delegated managers have to be paid extra for having been sent away from home; also, the company has to insure accommodations for them. Nevertheless, the economies made through outsourcing should more than cover the expenses registered with the delegated managers. Other issues brought about by outsourcing are business confidentiality, diminished and slow communications or hidden costs. In order to solve these problems, the outsourcer has to implement highly selective criteria, he has to know his partner extremely well and he has to hire judiciary consultants to go over the contracts, all time consuming and cost increasing activities.


Tech Web, the Business Technology Network, Outsourcing, 2007, last accessed on September 9, 2007

Johann Kunz, Five Steps to Outsourcing Success, it Web, the Technology News Site, March 22, 2002, last accessed on September 10, 2007

Sitex Design, Outsourcing - Advantages,, last accessed on September 10, 2007

C.B. Prabhakara, Outsourcing Trends in 2005 and Beyond, Chilli Breeze,, last accessed on September 10, 2007

Warren S. Reid, Outsourcing: The 20 Steps to Success, WRS Consulting Group,,...

Prabhakara, Outsourcing Trends in 2005 and Beyond, Chilli Breeze
Warren S. Reid, Outsourcing: The 20 Steps to Success, WRS Consulting Group

C.B. Prabhakara, Outsourcing Trends in 2005 and Beyond, Chilli Breeze

Edward Yourdon, Outsourcing: Likely Trends for the Next Decade, Inform it, October 29, 2004

Natasha Lomas, Five outsourcing trends to watch, CNET News, July 6, 2007

The new York Times, Outsourcing 2.0, October 23, 3006

Cyber Futuristics, Disadvantages of Outsourcing, 2004

Sources used in this document:

Tech Web, the Business Technology Network, Outsourcing, 2007, last accessed on September 9, 2007

Johann Kunz, Five Steps to Outsourcing Success, it Web, the Technology News Site, March 22, 2002, last accessed on September 10, 2007

Sitex Design, Outsourcing - Advantages,, last accessed on September 10, 2007
C.B. Prabhakara, Outsourcing Trends in 2005 and Beyond, Chilli Breeze,, last accessed on September 10, 2007
Warren S. Reid, Outsourcing: The 20 Steps to Success, WRS Consulting Group,, last accessed on September 10, 2007
Edward Yourdon, Outsourcing: Likely Trends for the Next Decade, Inform it, October 29, 2004,,last accessed on September 10, 2007
Natasha Lomas, Five outsourcing trends to watch, CNET News, July 6, 2007,, last accessed on September 10, 2007, last accessed on September 10, 2007
Cyber Futuristics, Disadvantages of Outsourcing, 2004,, last accessed on September 10, 2007
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