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Outer Obstacle That Stands Between Me And Essay

¶ … outer obstacle that stands between me and my success in college is the English language barrier I still struggle with as a Korean student. Someone besides me who could help me overcome this outer obstacle is a native-speaking student fellow.

How this person could help me is by going through the subjects and lessons with me and help me by explaining them in a simpler language.

An inner obstacle that stands between me and my success in college is procrastination.

Someone besides me who could help me overcome this inner obstacle is a fellow student who is willing to join a group study with me.

How this person could help me is by motivating and reminding me that I should not procrastinate every time she is present.

The most challenging course I am taking in college this semester is my Counseling class.

This course is challenging for me because it pushes me out of my intellectual and emotional comfort zones and forces me to think more critically than I am used to.

9. Someone besides me who could help me overcome this challenge is a fellow student who is succeeding in this class.

10. How this person could help me is by sharing his strategies for success and by motivating me with his own success stories.


I am...

At least, one member must be a native speaker. And at least member must be competent in the Counseling class. This group may be an opportunity for the native speaker and the student who is successful in our Counseling class to share their experiences and help others. They can thus develop their skills in this regard. The rest of us can improve in our English and overcoming the challenges of the Counseling class by learning from our peers. I believe, we will in this manner also motivate each other. When students form a study group, each member tries to be as successful as the other members. Working and studying together is also fun.
In this study group, we may also make a rule that we meet certain times a week at a fixed time and everyone must come prepared. If a member comes to a meeting unprepared, a penalty may apply. Penalties can be fun such as buying an ice cream bar for each member of the group or dancing in front of everyone. This will encourage everyone to come prepared and encourage myself to overcome my tendency to procrastinate. The greater pressure to be in time and the allure of fun that the study group can provide will help me overcome both my language barrier and the tendency to procrastinate. It may not work out as smoothly as planned,…

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