The pathfinder style virtually focuses on both high levels of organizational effectiveness, as well as high levels of member satisfaction (Harvey and Brown, 2001). This means that the approach will focus on improving senior-junior communications, for the satisfaction of the employees, as well as the increase in the performances of the overall entity.
Given that the process of change cannot be structured onto a strict plan, but that the plan has to be tailored to the unique features of the Mobile Mine Assembly Group, the levels of formalization at this stage are reduced. Nevertheless, throughout the actual implementation, or the time in which the change strategy comes into direct contact with the staff members, the levels of formalization are increased.
Diagnostic Process and Data Collection
Once the problems have been clearly identified, it is useful to reveal the model on which the diagnosis is based. The specialized literature presents the reader with a multitude of models, each constructed on the elements believed necessary in a diagnosis model. As the controversy on these elements has yet to be resolved, the number of diagnosis models is fairly increased. Some examples include benchmarking tools, a balanced scorecard, business process reengineering, continuous improvement, cultural change, management by objectives, or total quality management (McNamara, 2008). The model which is best to be used in the scenario of the Mobile Mine Assembly Group is that of continuous improvement. This model is the most suitable one as it is tailored to the current needs of MOMAG to enhance the quality of the staff communications as the basis for a continuous improvement in the quality of the mines, the technologies it uses and integrates or the performances and motivation of its staff members. Basically, the continuous improvement diagnosis model is constructed on the necessity to improve the final result through a process of gradual improvements in all components, including communications, and it is as such the most beneficial solution as it addresses the issues of MOMAG at their core.
The data will be collected through the traditional three stage process. At the first level, the need for information will be assessed. At a secondary level, the actual data needed will be collected through the analysis of organizational documents and open discussions with various categories of stakeholders, such as employees, customers, managerial team members, organizational partners and so on. Junior and senior staff members will become engaged in communications with interviewers in order to identify any communication breaches. At the final level, the information will be processed and conclusions will be formed.
Overcoming Resistance to Change
Given the complexity of the proposed change process, certain degrees of resistance are expected to occur; juniors could for instance find it difficult to go beyond the formal and strict discipline so far imposed and more closely communicate with their supervisors. The primary expectation is that the resistance will only last for the period it takes for the juniors and seniors to adjust to the modifications and realize their utility. Until then however, there are several measures that could be taken to reduce the resistance to change.
On the one hand, there is the resistance encountered from the clients, or the representatives of the United States Navy. While they are believed to support the process of change due to the superior quality of the final result, it is possible that throughout the duration of the actual implementation, disruptions in the customer-company relationship occur. In order to reduce the resistance encountered from the client, it is advisable for the Mobile Mine Assembly Group to set aside sufficient inventories so that the mine necessary is satisfied. This will ensure that the demands of the customers are entirely fulfilled. Additionally, it is required that the representatives of MOMAG engage in open conversations with the representatives of the navy and present the change strategy in a means that promotes the benefits for the client; this endeavor will ensure the support of the client.
On the other hand, there is the internal resistance to change, generated by the staff members. Its sources are countless, and include elements such as fear of the unknown or lack of desire to learn new things. In order to overcome this resistance, the managerial team ought to engage in direct communications with both junior and senior staff members and present not only the organizational necessity for change, but also the means in which the change would benefit the employees -- such as reduced workloads, reduced complexity or cost efficiencies, which could materialize in salary increases. It is also pivotal to reinforce a strong organizational culture in which change is not understood as a sporadic event, but as an ongoing business model and in which communication is the pillar of success.
Institutionalization Action Plan & Timeline
The most relevant means to present the institutionalization action plan and timeline is that of revealing the processes to be implemented at three different stages...
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