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Organizational Behavior Importance Of Organizational Behavior Knowledge Essay

Organizational Behavior Importance of organizational behavior knowledge

Having acquired essential skills in organizational behavior, I plan to use it in the management of my department at place of work to ensure it is a perfect example to the rest of the organization. I will use the skills acquired to study the behavior of employees and know the best way to treat each and every employee in their own skill capability and adjusting the management to a personalized management approach as is recommended by the organizational behavior study. I will also use the skills acquired to understand the organizational culture which can only be easy with the organizational behavior knowledge, and with the understanding of the organizational culture of the particular organization, I will be able to propel the people within my department towards achieving the vision of the organization. The communication skills that is achieved from the organizational behavior study will also be instrumental in ensuring I implement the accurate and relevant communication procedures within the organization for effective communication between me and the other employees and even departments, this is with full realization that communication cannot be universal but particular with each individual.

The study or knowledge on the organizational behavior is instrumental in higher level management within organizations since there are crucial tenets that are important for the smooth management of the employees at the lower levels which can only be acquired with the training and study of organizational...

The manager who is equipped with organizational behavior skills will know how to instill productive behavior within the employees and in effect boosting the organizational productivity. It is also significant to know that organizational commitment implies employees' attitudinal commitment to an organization's goals and values and this commitment can only be imparted on the employees by the management and hence it is necessary for them to learn how to manage the behavior of employees towards this end. The management will also get equipped with various reward theories and approaches and in effect be able to first make the employees feel recognized and valued by the organization and also feel that their effort is being rewarded in a commensurate manner and in that effect boost their performance at work. The management will only be able to appropriately reward the employees and indeed motivate them in other ways apart from reward system once they are fully educated on organizational behavior hence a very significant knowledge that should be part of each top management of an organization that would like to see significant growth in their organization.
The three most important concepts learned ion this course were; the centrality of the role played by absolute understanding of the behavior of employees and the effect it has on the management. The second is the significance of understanding of the reward system that the management can use in order to appropriately manage the behavior of the employees towards achieving the goals of the organization. Thirdly is…

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