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Online Savvy Term Paper

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Online Challenges Online classes are presented with challenges that brick and mortar classes do not have to face. The challenge of not being able to see the professor to ask questions is limited to email, phone, and times the professor is available. There may not be immediate answers to questions because professors cannot be available 24/7, more especially where online classes are concerned. There are challenges concerning the learning of the online class environment to meet assignments and obtain instructions. Each class may be set up different ways. There are time management concerns because, with Asynchronous classes, for example, the week is set up from Sunday midnight to Sunday midnight. There are time differences between geographic locations that also play a part. Determination has to be made between the time differences.

The online environment can be especially challenging to someone who has never...

Learning the different functions takes some time exploring and asking questions when understanding in not present. It is always best to take time in the initial part of class to explore the different functions to learn where to obtain assignments, discussion questions, where to submit assignments, and the syllabus. The syllabus will contain instructor contact information and availability, weekly objectives and assignments, and instructor expectations concerning assignments and rubrics. The syllabus can be used as a guide on a weekly basis throughout the course.
Getting to know other students, more especially ones that are familiar with online classes can be a vital part of the learning process. Obtaining email or phone numbers, provided trust can be built, can give answers to questions, sometimes quicker than contacting the instructor. Continual contact on a periodic basis can help to…

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