¶ … Professional Nurse, My Evolutionary Journey
As my memory recalls the idea of becoming a nurse was with me when I was an 8-year-old and playing nursing in a makeshift hospital made of my toys. Nursing was being experienced at that time with caring of squirming kittens in my nursery, sleeping dolls in surgery room of my toy hospital. After lapse of a long period since then it is still a wonder that the patients completely unknown never feel reluctant to expose a personal corner of their lives and share with us their deepest threats. At their worst as well as at their best they trust us to be caring, confidential and skilled. Nursing profession is really a unique one and the nursing education is not just a viewer sports where the student listens, observes and understands rather they are required to really live what he or she learns by means of steady involvement regardless of being in nursing centers, attending weekly seminars or in the clinical environment. Nursing education is much more than simply cramming some facts to attain grade 'A' on a test or re-implementing a skill to represent it to attain true perfection. Becoming a nurse necessitates educating oneself on the underlying principles, assessing them, and then making way for the application of the principles to several various clients with same difficulties. They are required to apply their minds along with their hearts, their hands as well as their senses to become more effective professional nurses. (My Philosophy of Nursing Education)
Nursing is attributed by a commitment to the value of caring. Nurses are required to function holistically from a scientific base and apply the nursing process for assimilating concepts and therapeutic nursing interferences. Nurses are required to include varied therapeutic modalities in fostering the optimal functioning and adaptation of individuals seeking health care services. The nursing profession believes in holistic clients, those who are unique and dynamic human beings consisting of consistent intellectual, socio-cultural, psychological, biological, spiritual, and environmental elements. The clients appear to be in persistent contact with forces in their internal and external backgrounds, reacting in an integrated adaptive method to sustain an optimal condition of health throughout the existence. Clients necessitating health care appear to have particular characteristics, necessities and capabilities. They exercise their rights to aware of their health problems and issues hat may influence their lives and desire to have an active role in health care decisions. Nursing presently is found as a mode of connecting with people in need and to improve life and health in a world in which caring practices have been undervalued. (Philosophy: San Antonio College Department of Nursing)
The nature of nursing, particularly in a period of ultrasounds, lasers, MRIs and cell phones that facilitates to explore the energy levels within human system, has been made to stick on to 'pure science' and move away from arenas which are of an energetic or spiritual kind. However, in the words of Florence Nightingale, Nursing has been limited to denote a bit more than administering of medicines and applying of poultices. It is to show the proper usage of cleanliness, warmth, light, fresh air and diet -- all at the least expense of the important authority of the patient. The nurses in their effort promote enhancing the body's own reparative process since it is the nature alone that heals. The nursing provide a unique scope to the nurses for inclusion of a holistic acknowledgement of the significance of their interaction with each client as a unique being within an ever changing environment. (Compassionate Care Nursing with meaning: Incorporating Holism into Nursing Practice)
The holistic view visualizes an integrated whole to be really independent of and higher than the sum of its parts. In a holistic structure, a human being appears to be encompassing more than the grouping of "his/her anatomic, emotional, psychological and spiritual elements." (Compassionate Care Nursing with meaning: Incorporating Holism into Nursing Practice) It signifies that the inherent value of the human being is also higher than the sum of his/her parts, and this view has been adopted by the nurses both experientially and philosophically. Moreover, the holistic view of clients includes the concept that a human is a work in progress, instead of being a static feature and is in persistent interaction with both the internal and external forces. The internal physical factors only react to the physical environment. However, in an emotional level constant interaction persists as the internal emotions reacts and influence upon the emotions of others.
Psychosocially, the internal knowledge, thoughts and beliefs are in continuous interaction with the...
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