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Offline During The Final Exam A-Level Coursework

B. The population is normal and the sample standard deviation is used to estimate the population standard deviation

C. n ? 100

D. n ? 1000



Use the following situation for Questions 25 -- 26.

A random sample of 16

statistics examinations from a large population was taken. The average score in the sample was 78.6 with a variance of 64. We are interested in determining

whether the average grade of the population is significantly more than 75. Assume the distribution of the population of grades is normal.


The test statistic is: A. 0.45

B. 1.80

C. 3.6

D. 8 Answer: b

26. At 95% confidence, it can be concluded that the average grade of the population

A. is not significantly greater than 75

B. is significantly greater than 75

C. is not significantly...

is significantly greater than 78.6
Answer: b

27. Independent samples are obtained from two normal populations with equal variances in order to construct a confidence interval estimate for the difference between the population means. If the first sample contains 16 items and the second sample contains 36 items, the correct form to use for the sampling distribution is the a. normal distribution

B. t distribution with 15 degrees of freedom

C. t distribution with 35 degrees of freedom

D. t distribution with 50 degrees of freedom

Degree of freedom is calculated as follows=n1 + n2 ? 2 = 16+36-2 = 50

Answer: D.t distribution with 50 degrees of freedom

Use the following situation for Questions 28 -- 33. A statistics teacher wants to see if there is any difference in the abilities of students enrolled in statistics today and those enrolled five years ago. A

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