What is Nutrition?
Good Nutrition
Important Food Elements
Benefits of Good Nutrition
Nutrition for a Healthy Body
Nutrition for a Healthy Mind
Nutrition for the Future
What is Nutrition?
The most basic definition of nutrition is "the science of how food nourishes the body." (Null) Still, nutrition is a very broad and complex subject. The food we eat must go through many changes before our bodies can use it for nutrition. Nutrition includes the physical act of eating, digesting and absorbing nutrients.
Nutrition is the process that living things take in food and use it. Plants can be nourished by air, water and sunshine. But human beings have much more complicated needs. Our nutrition may be good or poor, depending on the food we eat.
Well-nourished persons have strong bones, muscles and teeth and healthy skin and blood. (Fuller) Poor nutrition, or malnutrition, results when a person eats too little food or the wrong kinds of food. Serious deficiency diseases attack people who do not have enough to eat.
Nutrition and eating properly are an important part of living. An individual's diet is an important part of his being and lifestyle, and nutrition should be something that is maintained on a daily basis. Food provides us with the energy and vital nutrients necessary to remain healthy and can be helpful when coping with illnesses.
Good Nutrition
Good nutrition is maintained by balance, which can be gained by eating a variety of different foods and moderating how much of each type is eaten. (Null) For example, we can eat high fat foods as long as they are offset with low fat foods. And if we eat more food than we require, we should be exercising to burn off the extra energy. A healthy balance of carbohydrates, fats and protein, which are the main components of nutrition, are needed to maintain good nutrition. In addition, vitamins are important supplements to this diet.
Many people make the mistake of believing that eating less food is always best. This is a myth. Eating too much food can result in excess weight, while eating too little can lead to being underweight, which can cause many illnesses. Eating too many fatty and sugary foods can also cause illness and disease.
Important Food Elements
By eating food, we gain energy. (Braverman) The measure of all food is known as calories, which are a measure of heat energy. Scientists have discovered 50 to 60 nutrients, some of which are needed in larger amounts than others. A normal, healthy diet should include all the nutrients the body to operate correctly. There are six major kinds of nutrients. These are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.
Proteins are an important part of each cell in our bodies. (Pfieffer) The body uses proteins to build and repair body tissues, and to create antibodies and enzymes needed for chemical reactions in the body. All proteins consist of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. Some also contain sulphur and phosphorus.
Carbohydrates are important energy sources for humans and animals. Carbohydrates such as sugar or starches are high-energy sources. Some carbohydrates contain no usable energy because humans cannot digest them. Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
Fats are a great source of stored energy. (Pfieffer, Null) Fats contain carbon to help store the energy. Fats are divided into two general typed based on their principal characteristics. Saturated fats tend to increase blood cholesterol and a fatlike substance found in the brain.
Vitamins are nutrients that regulate body processes. Scientists have discovered 20-25 substances that are called vitamins. At least a dozen are required for vital processes. Some of these are Vitamins: A, C, D and the B. vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Each performs a unique function.
Minerals make up a large part of our bones and teeth. Small amounts of minerals are essential part of muscles, blood and nerves.
A healthy diet is one that contains the right nutrients and...
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