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Nursing Knowledge Annotated Bibliography Evidence Based Annotated Annotated Bibliography

Nursing Knowledge Annotated Bibliography Evidence Based

Annotated Bibliography on evidence-bases educational program that will advance nursing knowledge on stress management methods and techniques that meets their assessed learning needs

Annotated Bibliography on evidence-bases educational program that will advance nursing knowledge on stress management methods and techniques that meets their assessed learning needs.

Nursing Times; Defining nursing knowledge, (2005), retrieved from:

Nursing Times defines Nursing as a profession that is critical part of health care sector which offers patient care, attendants and community services and to help patients maintain, gain or recover ideal health and quality of life. The Nurses are different that the other service providers in the hospital, clinic or any other health care facility. They adopt more persistent approach of health care than others and get training to serve for longer hours. The Nurse can offer patient care service in the of physicians. This is conventional and traditional role of a nurse. Her image has become more of a family member attending patient as described by Nursing Times. The nurses can also work independently without a physician's different trainings are offered to be able to work independently.

Nurses are often hired to work at home to care patients that are not admitted to hospitals permanently but require nursing care at home. In such cases the responsibility of nurses increases as they are not provided with staff that can guide them as they face critical decision making situations. The education offered to nurses has broadened a lot over years. Today the education offered to nurses is much more diversified than before and nurses are offered specialized credentials to learn about nursing processes, required nursing knowledge and skills and the international nursing practices to help patients gain healthy physical state.

Nursing World; what is Nursing, (2013), retrieved from:

Nursing world defines nursing practice as considered by American Nursing Association that it the protection, advancement, and optimization of patient health, inhibition of infection and wound, mitigation of pain through the analysis and treatment of human reaction, and support in of persons and their families, groups, and populations. Nursing World defines the nursing process as one that is composed of essential core steps that help to deliver complete, patient-focused health care. The nursing involves sub-processes like assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation and evaluation. Nurses need sufficient nursing knowledge that equips them to understand what the disease is and what could be its health hazards.

The nursing knowledge enables the nurse to diagnose disease either independently or along with medical staff and make relative assessments like physical reasons for disease and the environmental surroundings needed to be offered to the patient. The nurses may require data collection for this purpose. The nurses are then required to plan on the basis of outcomes. They will plan meals, walk time, counseling and therapies for the patient. This practice finally leads to implementation of plans followed by evaluation if the patient care is producing required results or not. In all these sub-procedures, nursing knowledge plays a very critical role since lack of knowledge can lead to wrong diagnosis, wrong assessment, wrong planning, implementation or evaluation.

Hall, A., (2005), "Defining nursing knowledge," Nurs Times. 5; 101(48), 34-7.

Hall says that a nurse is not nor more someone who would give a pill every three hours to the patient or hold patient drips. The nurses' job has diversified over years and they require doing more complex tasks powered by nursing knowledge. They use a range of knowledge of theory and practice to offer patient care. There have been advancements in knowledge in recent years to match the requirements of patients. The nurses acquire knowledge in schools and at work place. They work with senior nurses and doctor and gain knowledge hidden in practice. The basic and advance nursing knowledge makes hem different from lay patient careers.

The nursing knowledge of care translates into body language that defines a profession in society. The nursing knowledge is characterized by medical effectiveness and specialized enquiry. The nurses are required to display their knowledge in tests and during practice. In case the nurses fail to prove that they know patient care methodologies very well, their silences can be cancelled. Nursing is not merely assisting doctors today. Today the nurses are expected to do jobs that were once expected only from doctors for example patient health assessment and diagnosis related activities. Their assessment is backed by adequate nursing knowledge of biology and body metabolism.

Woods and Dabrow, A., (2012), "Introducing the Nurse's Education Center!" AJN,

American Journal of Nursing, 112(1), 24

Woods and Dabrow (2012) believe that continuous learning is the base of offering best care to the patients. Woods says that only going to...

Nursing education through various sources should continue to help them offer expert care. The education can be received online but the nurses should confirm that the training or education is practice and relates to situations in daily routines in hospitals. There are ever new technologies evolving in health care and the nurses should know about these technologies and how to use them. Nurses can also learn via online sources how relaxing techniques help manage work. The relaxing techniques may include neck exercises, time out or silent sitting.
Davies, P., (1999), "What is Evidence-Based Education," British Journal of Educational

Studies, 47(2), 108-121

Phillip Davies argues that evidence-based educational programs are the demand of time. The education should be made evidence based and he proves his idea by researching on how traditional educational programs are less effective and how evidence-based learning would help. He defines education-based learning as principles and practices that enhance educational policy. There is requirement to conduct systematic reviews and appraisals concerning educational research.

Developing evidence-based practice among students, (2011), retrieved from:

The article suggests that patient care offered by trained nurses should utilize evidence-based practice and the nurses should get chance to learn principles of evidence-based education. The objective of such education should be to use higo-quality research that will enhance the results and benefit nursing students. There should be a comparative study between simple education and education of medicine. The evidence-based practice should include research on best practices, empowering nursing students to participate, eradicating myths about haphazard judgments in education, eliminating barriers to research, enabling nurses to critically think and respond spontaneously to situations.

It is suggested that evidence should be built into education by forming a culture to use evidence as part of routine for improving outcomes. The random trials should come to an end or at least should start being replaced. The methods of treatments should be compared by nurses so that they find relative effectiveness of methods rather than following one on random basis. The practitioner should understand evidence to support the use of resources in best manner. The administrators should understand that evidence-based learning does require a supportive environment too. The administration should encourage nurses to attend mentoring programs and to socialize to catalyze the process of learning.

Ferguson, L, (2005), "Evidence-based nursing education: myth or reality?"

HTMLCONTROL Forms.HTML:Hidden.1 J. Nurs Educ,

44(3), 107-15

Ferguson studied and elaborated evidence-based nursing education. He says that as nurse educators include evidence-based exercise as ground for their practices, it is assumed that nursing education has itself become evidence based. The nursing training includes knowledge that serves basis for training, teaching, strategies, and educational designs, but normally these designs are based on practice. The knowledge should however also include the aspects of effectiveness of teaching methods. There is a need for science of nursing education using both the qualitative and quantitative research that use implicit knowledge behind nursing education strategies.

Bick, E., (2004), "Nurses Attitude, knowledge and use of non-pharmacological pain

Management techniques and therapies," Honor Projects

Bick suggests that nursing knowledge should not only be based on how to offer health care services to patients but also on how to help nurses themselves retain a performance level using pain and stress management techniques. The nurses are prone to situation that leads to stress and they need to handle themselves too besides patients. Hence nurses should have such a rich knowledge that enables them to de-stress without detaching from work.

Brunero, S., Cowan, D., Grochulski, A. And Garvey, A., (2006), "What is Stress," Nurses

Stress Management Booklet

Brunero et al. define stress as emotional and physical response that arises as a result of actual or perceived imbalance between demands placed on work or home and resources on hand to cope up demands. The stress is directly proportional to nature of work and schedules. The job of nurses is quite stressful not only because she has to help patient improve health but also because she is pressurized at work by multiple parties like doctors, patient and their attendants. Continued exposure to stressful situations may cause physical symptoms like headache, upset stomach, muscle contraction, dry mouth, nausea, nail biting, and also behavioral symptoms like lack of interest, low productivity etc. The employee assessment programs should evaluate the level of nurse stress and should suggest how to reduce the stress at work and help them relax.

Frank, R., (2013), "How to De-stress," Retrieved from:

Frank believes that stress management…

Sources used in this document:
Journal of Nursing, 112(1), 24

Wright, A.L., Nichols, E., McKechnie, M. And McCarthy, S., (2013). "Combining Crisis

Management and Evidence-Based Management," the University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
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