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Nursing Education: Learning Styles Essay

¶ … Student success a - endeavor. The student give 100% instructor provide students a 100%. The student responsibility prepared learn material assigned, turn assignments time, pay attention taught discussed, questions needed. I agree that the process of education is a dialogue, not a monologue. Although an educator may have a plan about what he or she wishes to teach, the teacher must respond to student input. The students may not understand the material in the manner in which it is initially presented; they may be bored or ill-prepared; they may have probing and unexpected questions; or they may have different learning styles.

Using different approaches is particularly essential in healthcare education, given that new scientific knowledge builds upon old knowledge. Remediation is successful because it ensures students have knowledge of the foundational concepts early on, before the student becomes completely left behind. Given the nursing shortage the nation is facing, finding ways to prepare students with inadequate backgrounds and to swiftly bring them up to the same level of competency as their peers is required. "Far too many students arrive on college...

The typical solution to this problem is to place students into remedial, or developmental, courses -- classes that don't offer credit -- and try to get them up to speed" (Remediation, 2014, Education Sector). However, there is a danger students can become bored with such remedial classes or feel frustrated being left behind their peers. Using technology or accelerated remediation courses can be a useful way to combat such frustration.

Remediation. (2014). Education Sector. Retrieved from:

Q2. Teachers alone cannot be blamed for all the problems of students but it is not necessarily the students' faults, either. Students may be at a profound economic or social disadvantage with their peers: they may have to work several jobs to afford to go to college and have poor preparation. This will affect student performance in class and there is little the teacher can do over the course of one semester to cure these intractable social ills. Teachers can try to psychologically motivate students to care more about the material by using interesting pedagogical techniques and also simply showing enthusiasm about the subject matter themselves.

Although knowledge is important, simply possessing knowledge is not analogous to teaching: teachers must try to reach out to students to make them understand why the subject matter is exciting in a way that is comprehensible to the student. This is the core of what it means to be learner-centered. However, students also have a responsibility in the learner-centered environment to…

Sources used in this document:

Smith, A. (2010). Learning styles of registered nurses enrolled in an online nursing program.

Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(1):49-53. doi: 10.1016/j.profnurs.2009.04.006.
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