Nazi Germany (MLA).
Nazi Germany
Nothing conjures up the image of evil more than the period in German history known as the "Third Reich." Adolph Hitler and the National Socialist Party, Nazi, embodied the very image of evil and have become he standard by which evil is currently measured. Television, literature, art, and movies have all-based evil characters on the Nazi's, for instance, in the "Star Wars" movies, the evil empire is defended by the legions of "storm troopers." (Lucas) Of course, "storm trooper" was a German term developed in the First World War to defined the assault troops used in battle. Nazi Germany used the term "storm trooper" to define the troops used in the many invasions of European countries by the Germans. Therefore, Nazi Germany is by far the greatest current example of evil and intolerance in the modern world.
While the Nazi regime was evil, it is easy to point at something and call it evil without identifying specific examples of evil actions or philosophy. The Nazis began as a small, rightwing political group dedicated to the restoration of German power in Europe through a politically ruthless and anti-Semitic government system which would then expand territorially to the east. From the earliest beginnings, the Nazis were dedicated to the restoration of German power lost as a result of their defeat in World War I. They were also politically ruthless towards their political enemies, as demonstrated in the early days when the Nazis were little more than a street gang battling with other political organizations on the streets of German cities. Later when the Nazis gained power, they immediately outlawed other political parties and persecuted those who refused to accept Nazi political power.
The Nazis were a political movement which wanted to restore German power, but they were also anti-Semitic. Persecution of the Jews is something that Germans have been doing for centuries. In general, Germans had believed the Jews to be separate from German culture, and the Nazis capitalized on the anti-Semitic traditions in Germany to use the Jews as a scapegoat for German problems. This anti-Semitism would ultimately lead to deaths of millions of Jews and the near destruction of the Jewish race in Europe. Finally the Nazi regime was expansionist is nature, meaning they always intended to expand the borders of Germany at the expense of their neighbors, particularly those in the east. This expansionist view, which obsessed Adolph Hitler, was the ultimate goal of the Nazis and eventually led to a devastatingly destructive war against the Soviet Union. Nazi expansionism would lead the Third Reich to destruction. So if there are three aspects of the Nazi regime which best exemplifies it as a whole, it would have to be that the Nazi were politically ruthless, anti-Semitic, and outwardly expansionist in nature.
Germany emerged from the First World War a defeated and chaotic nation. With the abdication of the Kaiser, Germany was faced with forming a democratically elected government. The problem for Germans was that there were as many different political parties as there were stars in the sky. Everyone from Roman Catholics, to Social Democrats, to right wing extremists, the DNVD, had their own political movement. (Nicholls 29-32) The Weimar Republic, which arose after the war, was a weak government made up of a variety of different political groups with shifting allegiances and uncertain power and influence. One of the smaller political parties, called the "German Worker's Party," or DAP, organized its "first really large meeting in the Munich Hoffbrauhaus… The party's new programme was a mixture of pan-Germanic nationalism, racial exclusiveness and resentful hostility to big business" (Nicholls 91) This party's main orator, a little known, but powerful speaker named Adolph Hitler, demanded a Greater German Reich and more land to expand. He also wanted to restrict citizenship to only those of German racial origin, restricting aliens and Jews. The press was to be cleansed, education was to be organized by the state, and religion was to be tolerated as long as it did not interfere with the party's goals. (Nicholls 91) Hitler had long held certain ideals which he introduced to the newly renamed NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker's Party, or Nazis), among which was his "view of history as a struggle between individual races with victory going to the strongest, fittest, and most ruthless…" (Kershaw 21)
And ruthless was what the Nazis became, when they eventually took power in 1933. But long before that, Hitler demonstrated the ruthlessness of his...
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