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National Park And Transportation Essay

¶ … Marie's adult son was murdered in a tragic accident in a foreign country while he was on vacation. The deceased allegedly consumed fruit from a poisonous tree. His mother, Marie, wants the remains to be brought back to the U.S. as well as samples of the fruit in order for an autopsy and tests to be conducted to identify the actual cause of the death. After completion of the tests and autopsy, Marie wants her son's remains to be cremated at a local funeral home. She also wants her son's prized possession, a laptop computer, to be cremated and everything placed in two titanium boxes her son created since he was a metallurgical engineer. Marie wants to mail one of these containers to a relative living near her son's favorite destination for trout fishing at a national park. She wants the relative to break the seal and disperse part of the remains over the trout hatchery and the other part in a nearby public waterway. Marie wants to hand-carry the other container herself by plane to another destination where she will disperse them in a state park that also contains wetlands that are protected by the

Finally, Marie wants to keep a small amount of the remains and mail them on a simple paper to her son's father as a symbolic gesture of his neglect and the little value he placed on them.
Issue: There are several issues presented in this case including transportation of human remains and food products into the United States from a foreign country, cremation of a laptop in a facility that is licensed for human and animal remains, and transportation of remains by air in a sealed metal container as cargo (Walston-Dunham, 2012). The other issues include disposition of remains in a national park, state park, trout hatchery and public waterway as well as carrying human remains in a paper container.

Rule: Administrative agencies have the
authority to establish regulations that are commonly known as administrative regulations. The relevant administrative regulations to this case are those established by the Department of Agriculture, the United States Postal Service, Transportation Safety Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, and National Park Service. Based on regulations established by Transportation Safety Administration and Environmental Protection Agency, transportation of human remains from a foreign country into the United States must meet certain requirements. Administrative regulations prohibit disposition of human remains in…

Sources used in this document:

United States Government Publishing Office (2011, July 1). Code of Federal Regulations. Retrieved from United States Government Publishing Office website:

Walston-Dunham, B. (2012). Introduction to law (6th ed.). Clifton Park, NY: Cengage Learning.
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