6 million in 2007, an increase of 24%. The average unemployment rate was 5.1% in the period 1994-2007, compared to 7.1% during the period 1980-1993. ("NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 2)
Figure 2 reflects U.S. Employment Increases related in response to Myth #2.
Figure 2: U.S. Employment Relating to NAFTA (adapted from "NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 2).
Myth #3: NAFTA has hurt America's manufacturing base.
Fact: U.S. manufacturing output rose by 58% between 1993 and 2006, as compared to 42% between 1980 and 1993. Manufacturing exports in 2007 reached an all time high with a value of $982 billion. ("NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 3)
Figure 3 portrays the increases relating to the U.S. manufacturing output.
Figure 3: U.S. Manufacturing Output (adapted from "NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 3).
Myth #4: NAFTA has suppressed U.S. wages.
Fact: U.S. business sector real hourly compensation rose by 1.5% each year between 1993 and 2007, for a total of 23.6% over the full period. During1979-1993, the annual rate of real hourly compensation rose by 0.7% each year, or 11% over the full 14-year period. ("NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 4)
Figure 4 portrays the annual rate of real hourly compensation disputing Myth #4.
Figure 4: Annual Rate Hourly Compensation (adapted from "NAFTA -- Myth…," ¶ 4).
In his lecture, "Why This Conservative Favors This NAFTA," given shortly after Congress approved NAFTA in November 1993, Dick Armey, then a conservative representative, predicted that NAFTA would create the largest free trade zone in the world. "One of these lessons [in history] is that free trade leads to a prosperous world. Another is that protectionism leads to poverty (Armey, ¶ 13). Armey predicted that abandon the "winning formula" of NAFTA would not only damage the conservative party, but ultimately the U.S. In the future.
Significant Events/Dates
The following dates reflect significant events and/or dates related to NAFTA
November 13, 1979: While a candidate for President, Ronald Reagan proposed a "North American Agreement," purporting to produce a North American where the goods and people of the U.S., Canada and Mexico could more freely cross boundaries.
January 1981: President Ronald Reagan proposed that a North American common market be created.
October 9, 1984: The U.S. Congress adopted the Trade and Tariff Act; passed
October 30, 1984: The Act notably extended the U.S. president's powers to concede trade benefits and enter into bilateral free trade agreements.
December 10, 1985: President Reagan informed Congress that, under the authority of trade promotion, he intended to negotiate a free trade agreement with Canada.
October 3, 1987: The Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement (FTA) concludes in Washington.
January 1, 1989: The FTA is authorized.
November 6, 1987: A framework agreement between the U.S. And Mexico is signed.
August 21, 1990: President Salinas proposes that a free trade agreement between Mexico and the U.S. be negotiated.
June 12, 1991: Trade negotiations initiated between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico.
December 17, 1992: Brian Mulroney, Canadian Prime Minister, George Bush, U.S. president, and Carlos Salinas de Gortari, Mexican president, officially signed NAFTA. NAFTA would be effective with final approval from the federal Parliaments of the three countries.
January 1, 1994: NAFTA, along with the two agreements on labor and the environment, officially take effect.
December 9 to 14, 1994: At the Miami Summit, the U.S.,. Canada, and Mexico officially invite Chile to subscribe to NAFTA as a contractual party of the agreement.
1995: Disagreements continue between the U.S. Congress and the White House regarding the content of the free trade agreement with Chile. Consequently, Chile attempts to negotiate separate free trade agreements with Canada and Mexico.
December 29, 1995: Chile and Canada commit to negotiate a bilateral free trade agreement.
July 4, 1997: The Canada-Chile free trade agreement comes into effect.
1997: The U.S. presidency proposes applying NAFTA parity to Caribbean countries.
August 1, 1999: The Chile-Mexico free trade agreement comes into effect.
NAFTA Historical Beginning of NAFTA (with specific bibliography) NAFTA Objectives What is NAFTA The Promise of NAFTA NAFTA Provisions Structure of NAFTA Years of NAFTA (NAFTA not enough, other plus and minuses).. Environmental Issues Comparative Statements (Debate) NAFTA - Broken Promises NAFTA - Fact Sheet Based Assessment NAFTA & Food Regulation NAFTA - The Road Ahead NAFTA in Numbers Goal Fulfillment Major Milestones Consolidated Bibliography This study set out to examine the inner workings of the North American Free Trade Agreement. The aim of this study is
Flat (2006), Thomas Friedman describes the new global capitalist economy and how it has affected the United States, as well as the type of skills and education that will be most in demand in the 21st Century. Even white-collar workers, managers and engineers have been doing poorly because of globalization, while unskilled and semiskilled blue-collar workers have been devastated. Construction and manufacturing workers with only a high school education
An interesting trend has been registered in the service industry, especially in the field of tourism. One of the main engines of Spanish economy in the past, now tourism in this country faces fierce competition from Eastern Europe countries. The beautiful resorts in Palma del Majorca and Costa Brava must compete with low cost sea side resort, which offer similar services at incredibly low prices. Another field which needs reforms
Working conditions have continued to change and evolve for the American worker over the last ten years. To no one's surprise, the types of work that Americans are doing as compared to ten years ago have significantly changed. Along with changing job descriptions, work environments have changes as have rates of compensation, hours worked, and the worker culture. The communication sector, and the service sector saw the biggest jumps -- again
For instance the World Trade Organization reports having "allowed First World countries to raise trade barriers protecting their companies, even as we have served as their forum for insisting that Third World countries lower their trade barriers more and more." (WTO, The truth is that if richer nations were to open their markets to the LDC countries for increase opportunities of export, generated would be approximately $700 billion in additional
Faux finds that this promise has not been fulfilled, in part because of what NAFTA does not do: NAFTA provided no social contract. It offered neither aid for Mexico nor labor, health or environmental standards. The agreement protected corporate investors; everyone else was on his or her own. (Faux 35) For Mexico in particular, says Faux, NAFTA has been a failure, and the economy still depends too heavily on the remittances
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