In the brain, it can generate motor responses, draw emotions, release hormones and trigger higher-order processes. The brain develops its response as it perceives the sound. If a loud sound creates fright, calm music can soothe.
Records on music therapy date as far back as Aristotle and Plato. Egyptian and Biblical documents also bear out that music was used to lighten illness and sorrow. American and European researchers in 1800 discovered the connection between music and the states of the body and the mind. They measured the connection in terms of cardiac output, rate of breathing, pulse and blood pressure. Numerous studies on the effect of music on health have been conducted since the 80s. Dr. Susan Hallam of the Department of Psychology and Special Education of the Institute of London gathered and evaluated more than 200 scientific studies, reports and books on the health effects of music. Collective research revealed that music has strong therapeutic effects. It can alter behavior, mood and emotional, physiological and cognitive states. It can reduce anxiety, pain, drug dosages by as high as 50%. It promotes well-being, improves symptoms of psychiatric patients, reduces depression and promotes rehabilitation and recovery. It enhances the production of stress-related hormones and painkillers. Her findings showed that music influences physiological arousal according to the type of music. Loud and fast music tends to excite and arouse. Calming music tends to soothe. Physically, the heart rate, blood pressure, rate of breathing, muscular tension, motor responses and skin temperature tend to rise with fast and loud music. These tend to go down in response to slow, soft music.
Dr. Hallam also says that music influences activity levels, mood, concentration, health, well-being and intelligence. It can increase or decrease levels of secretory immunoglobin a, which goes up during immune system activity. It can also induce elation or depression and patients' perception of pain. Music can be used as a self-enhancement tool according to one's purpose or intent. Fast-paced, lively or loud music should be used to rouse oneself in the morning; perk up during the day instead of drinking coffee; and work out with matching music. This type of music helps one work longer, harder and probably with less effort. It can drive out depression, anxiety, negative feelings or thoughts and raise self-confidence. It can also release anger, aggressive or any negative feeling or thought. In contrast, slow and soft music relaxes stress and soothes irritation; stretches the mind and feeling after a workout; allows down eating; and induces sleep.
Those who have discovered the benefits of music to health and well-being have collected music pieces of their preference. One should observe what effects certain music has on himself. A portable CD or tape player and headphones should be used if appropriate music pieces are carried to bring about particular effects.
Vibrant Life (2002). Effect of Music on Blood Pressure. Journal of the American Medical Association: Review and Herald Publishing
Music will not replace change in lifestyle or medications in dealing with hypertension. But findings of a new study showed that it can help in preventing the ailment. This study gathered the responses of 50 male surgeons who tackled difficult mental arithmetic tasks. Despite their high level skills, the tasks often raise their blood pressure and heartbeat. Those who listened to music while performing the tasks experienced the least increase in blood pressure. Those who did not listen experienced the highest number of hypertension occurrences by 23 points and diastolic by 15 points. Moreover, the speed and accuracy of their tasks scored better by listening to music.
Klotter, J. (2001). Music and Alzheimer's. Townsend Letter to Doctors and Patients: The Townsend Letter Group music therapy program reported increased melatonin levels, improved behavior and reduced sleeping problems in the 20 male respondents suffering from Alzheimer's. The respondents had 30 to 40 minutes of music therapy, five days per week for a month. The test used blood samples throughout the investigation. The leader, Dr. Ardash Kumar, and his associates at the University of Miami, School of Medicine in Florida examined the levels of melatonin, norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin and prolactin. These brain chemicals affect the mental state of sufferers of Alzheimer's. They found that the blood levels of these chemicals significantly increased at the end of the therapy schedule. Furthermore, melatonin levels remained high for 6 weeks after the cessation of therapy. The researchers estimated that epinephrine and norepinephrine levels would have returned to their original readings. The respondents were also reported to be more active and cooperative and that they slept better.
Dr. Kumar said that the use of music to calm oneself down is very...
Music therapy as a formal discipline emerged soon after the Second World War, when veteran's hospitals across the United States started to host musicians to improve quality of life of patients. Since then, a wealth of scientific literature has emerged about the efficacy of music therapy. Nearly every patient population seems to respond to music therapy, including animals. Music has been shown to have anti-anxiety, pro-immunity properties and can raise
This is particularly the case in elderly patients who suffer form various debilitating diseases and conditions, where it has been found that music therapy produces positive outcomes. References Anatomy of Melancholy. Retrieved April 8, 2008, at Bhat, M. Udupa S. (2003) the Evolution, Appreciation and Representation of Music. MCGILL JOURNAL of MEDICINE, 7(2), pp. 190 -195. Black bile. Retrieved April 8, 2008, at Complementary and Alternative Approaches to Biomedicine. Retrieved April 9,
The shaman's use of animal language, or pre-literate languages, and other ritualistic methods of communication, like music and drumming, have parallels in the 'different space' created by the therapist in his or her office. In therapy, different forms of communication, the formulaic 'text' of conventional analysis, the release of drumming, or rhythmic pounding, and music play therapy for small children may be used to help the patient touch base with
This contrast in conjunction with the singer's frequent maniacal laughter summons an astonishingly clear image of a woman trapped within herself. Her laughter is crazed with fear and she repeats the words over and over again, unable to move beyond that singular point in time. Once again, a very complex idea is expressed that as quite transparent to analysis. The final excerpt, entitled "Oh My Child" seems to be about
According to this conception, the musical meaning of our Beethoven melody would lie in its expressing the feeling of joy, with power far exceeding that of Schiller's poem and of all words. The key to understanding the process that makes the tones of this melody a melody at all, a piece of music, we found not in the relation of the tones to any particular feeling but in the
However, this was when the musical elements that were so deeply rooted into my belief system, into my very soul started to appear and I began to clearly recognize that it was possible to pursue the existence of something even stronger and deeper in the world of art, more specifically in the world created by sounds. Possessing both a keen ability to observe and a very strong aptitude to recall
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