Medieval Source Book: A literary History of Persia (45-46)
The author Browne (2009) describes an encounter so vicious and so ruthless under the hands of some people from the East. These people invaded Asia with only one purpose, to kill. The author reiterates that there is a good chance that there has never been another calamity as vicious as the one encountered by the Persians during this period. According to him even the affliction that was meted on the children of Israel by Nebuchadnezzar was nothing compared to what he encountered. He says that the number of people massacred by these accursed miscreants in a single city exceeded the entire population of the children of Israel. The author goes ahead to say that it is very likely that the world will never encounter anything as vicious as what he encountered.
The Tatars, as the author calls them, were people who emerged from China and attacked Turkestan cities such as Balasaghun and Kashghar (Browne, 2009). These Chinese men took possession, they destroyed, they slayed and plundered every living thing they came across. They did not even spare pregnant women or children. They advanced from one city to the other ruthlessly killing everyone they came across until they came cross to Iraq. They marched to Arraniyya and Adharbayjan cities killing and destroying all its inhabitants except for those who were lucky to escape (Browne, 2009). Only a few remained. Their destruction, killings and possession expeditions were quite swift to the extent that they were able to achieve all this in the span of less than one year.
When they came to Qipchaq, a land dominated by the Turks, they challenged anyone who confronted them and killed them. The only lucky remnants were those who escaped to the mountains. Those who remained were mercilessly overrun (Browne, 2009). The Tatars only remained for as long as they were required. Their mission was brief but filled with horrific display of aggression.
Another division that was different from the one mentioned marched into Ghazna and parts of Kirman, India and...
In the estimation of the author Alexander did not conquer countries at such a speed and neither did he commit heinous acts like these Tatars did (Browne, 2009). He only required that his subjects be under his authority. In only a space of about one year these Tatars had conquered the most advanced of countries without regard to how advanced they were in character and conduct.
The countries that did not expect their dreaded arrival did not have the chance to escape their wrath and evil. These people are described as being invincible in might and desire to destroy (Browne, 2009). Their subjects were engulfed with fear and inability to confront them for a number of reasons. Their religion is also alluded to as people who worshiped the sun and considered nothing as unlawful. They would eat dogs and pigs unlike the Muslims whom they had made their primary target. Concerning marriage they had no boundaries either. The author mentions that several men from this group would have marital affairs with one woman such that a child born of a woman would not actually know whom the father was.
Perhaps because of their unruly lifestyle they had no regard for human life and for this reason they would easily kill and destroy their subjects. To make their mission even more successful they needed no food supplies because they had with them abundant supplies of Sheep, horses, cows and other quadrupeds. They would eat nothing else apart from flesh from these animals. The horses they rode on never ate burley but relied on roots. They would dig for roots. Any time they arrived anywhere they were never in need of any external supplies. This made them independent and ready for their mission anywhere they made a target.
The author appears to be of a Muslim faith and repulsive of the lifestyle, culture, habits and deeds of these people from the East. It would appear from the reading of this text that Egypt and Syria were targets as well but the…