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Mobile Mechanical Engineering Position In Thesis

This tradition of excellence is the main reason I would like to work for Rolls-Royce. To be a part of making -- and someday perhaps even designing -- a perfectly planned machine, a car I have envied for so long, would be an extraordinary experience. Their new car, the Phantom, is being built in a brand new factory in West Sussex (Schifsky, 3). I like that even though the company was bought by the German company BMW, the cars are still being manufactured in England. BMW's decision to build the factory and the cars in England creates jobs here, and though recent economic events might limit the sales of luxury cars, the introduction of an electric vehicle might help to offset the losses. In fact, Rollls-Royce could be filling a niche in high-end electric vehicles, not many (if any) of which exist today. This could increase the profitability of the electric car and the Rolls-Royce brand enormously. Although the financial gain might be the main reason the company has decided to go forward this, it will have a positive effect on the environment regardless, and this is another reason I would like to work for the company.

CEO Tom Purves also stresses other benefits of the electric car: "We stand for unmatched refinement and you can't get a quieter and less intrusive engine than a well-engineered electric motor" (qtd. In Squatriglia,...

6). This is a smart man, at the head of a smart company. This is he ultimate reason Iwould like to work for Rolls-Royce -- I believe they are making te right decisions with their product line, and I believe they know how to sell that product to the public. This provides job security and job satisfaction. Security because I believe the Rolls-Royce brand will always have a market and will remain profitable by making the right decisions. Satisfaction because I will know I'm part of a job well done and a car well made.

Anon. 2004. Rolls-Royce history. [Online] (Updated Jan. 23, 2008). Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Buerkle, Tom. International Herlad-Tribune. 1998. BMW wrests Rolls-Royce name away from VW. [Online] Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Schifsky, Chuck. 2000. Rolls-Royce: a century of elegance [Online] Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Squatriglia, Chuck. Wired Blog Network. 2008. Rolls-Royce considers an EV. No, seriously.... [Online] Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Sources used in this document:

Anon. 2004. Rolls-Royce history. [Online] (Updated Jan. 23, 2008). Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Buerkle, Tom. International Herlad-Tribune. 1998. BMW wrests Rolls-Royce name away from VW. [Online] Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Schifsky, Chuck. 2000. Rolls-Royce: a century of elegance [Online] Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)

Squatriglia, Chuck. Wired Blog Network. 2008. Rolls-Royce considers an EV. No, seriously.... [Online] Available at: (Accessed 28 October 2008)
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