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Microsoft Access Computing Technology Has Greatly Aided Essay

Microsoft Access Computing technology has greatly aided human technology and has presented new and easier ways for goals and objectives to be accomplished by its users. Technology works best when it is mostly aligned with the intent and purposes of its wielders and it is important to understand and know how such applications work and operate in order to get the most out of these tools.

The purpose of this essay is to describe the and highlight the important aspects of planning and creating a database using Microsoft Access. This essay will discuss the steps involved in the process but ultimately suggest that the planning stage is the most important of the entire approach. The essay will conclude by suggesting some useful suggestions that can help the users of Access to achieve better results and apply the necessary knowledge to help maximize the use of this software.

Creating A Database Using Access

The most pivotal and important aspect of designing a database is to determine the ultimate purpose of the database itself. This is mostly a mental process that incorporates the ideas behind the design. This is the starting point of the project and the...

Access is a powerful tool and to maximize its practicality, a concise objective must be materialized in order for this software to be of any use.
Knight (2011) suggested that this process is gradual and begins with the mental process associated with brainstorming. She wrote "the first method for planning for a database is to simply brainstorm, on paper or otherwise, concerning what the database will need to store, and what the site will need out of it. Try not to think of the individual fields or tables that will be needed at this point - all that specific planning can take place later. The goal is to start with a general and complete view, and narrow down. It can often times be more difficult to add in items later, rather than get it right the first time." It is during this crucial step that that the beginnings and ultimate purpose of the database are born and will dictate the ways in which it will be used and applied.

Microsoft also agrees with this notion of planning as being the most important and primary task needed to be accomplished in order for success. The company's help web site suggested that "The first step in planning…

Sources used in this document:

Knight, K. (2011). The Basics of Good Database Design. One Extra Pixel, 17 Mar 2011. Retrieved from (nd). "Support Microsoft Access: Design the Tables for a New Database." Viewed on 3 Jan 2014. Retrieved from (nd). "Support Microsoft Access: Database Design Basics." Viewed 3 Jan 2014. Retrieved from
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