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Mental Health And Veterans

Policy Analysis for Veterans The objective this paper is to discuss the stigmatization and mental disorders of Veterans after the service. After the Iraqi war, the numbers veterans suffering from mental illness continues to increase, and one of the factors that aggravate the problems is a stigmatization from the society. The paper identifies that the costs of providing treatment for veterans continue to increase in the last 10 years coupled with an increase in the waiting times to receive their benefits and healthcare delivery. The study also explores the political, economic, legal and social factors affecting Veterans administration. The study recommends that the government should provide both intensive and quality care for servicemen during and after the operations. Moreover, the government should pass a bill to reduce the waiting times to receive their benefits and care. The options will assist in reducing veterans mental problems and stigmatization they face in the society.


The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the issue of mental health in the United States. It has been observed that after the military personnel serves in the wars such as Afghanistan and Iraq, the majority of them developmental problems. Since the government has started the foreign military operations, more than 2 million military personnel have been deployed. Regretfully, combat operations have been characterized by the use of high explosive devices. Moreover, the operations are also characterized by guerrilla insurgency, high-level deployment of the national guard, extended and multiple deployments of military personnel. Thus, there has been an increased injury rates at the battlefield that consequently lead to advanced medical care.

Problem Statement: What is the strategy of reducing the negative stigma within the U.S. military and method Veterans can employ to seek for appropriate mental health care?


In the contemporary military environment, one out four of active duty members has developed a sign of mental condition based on the data presented by JAMA Psychiatry in 2014. For example, the rate of depression among service members is five times higher than the rate recorded among civilians. Moreover, 20% of veterans who serve in Iraq and Afghanistan suffered from major metal and depressive disorders. Since 2002, more than 1.9 Million of these service members are eligible for "Veterans Affairs health care, and an estimated 1.16 million veterans have registered for this care." (Pickett, et al., 2015 p 299). It is essential to realize that the military conflicts in the military operations such as OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom), OND (Operation New Dawn), and OEF (Operation Enduring Freedom) are the longest "sustained military operations in the U.S. history". (Pickett, et al., 2015 p 299) that consequently provoke mental problems among military personnel.

In December 2014, 57.2% (662,772) of veterans received at least one categories of mental care diagnosis that include PTSD ("post-traumatic stress disorder"), anxiety disorders, and depressive disorders. (NIMH (2016 p 1). Other cases of prevalence among veterans are high rates of adjustment as...

The issues have made a number of veterans who have suffered from a comorbid SUD and PTSD to increase by 76% since 2008. Moreover, many veterans have sustained the TBI ( traumatically brain injuries) because of the combat, and between 2007 and 2013, a total number of veterans who sustained a TBI has increased. Moreover, since 2000, there have been 327,299 cases of TIB and 5,912 cases recorded in the first quarter of 2015. Before the military personnel has been deployed for military services, only 2.4% of them have been diagnosed with a mental disorder, however, after deployment, more than 57% of them have been diagnosed with mental disorders.

The government agencies and non-stakeholders will be responsible for influencing the policy related to the mental disorders suffered by the military men after the services. For example, Department of Veterans (DV) Affairs is responsible for managing the administration of veterans. The department supports the military personnel after their services by providing different supports and different benefits for the service men. The cogent initiative of the agency is to prevent the case of homeliness among the service members since the issue can aggravate mental disorder of the service men. (Pols, & Oak, 2007). Under the Department of Veterans, there is a mental health department that occupies military personnel suffering from mental disorder. The US Department of Health is also directly influencing the policy regarding the mental problems of the service men because the department disburses fund to take care of servicemen suffering from mental disorder. Additionally, the media and non-government organizations are indirectly influencing the issue. Through the media, the U.S. population have been aware of the concerning issue related to military mental disorders. Moreover, RAND Corporation, a non-governmental organization has also been in the forefront in publicizing the stigma that veteran experience after the services because of their mental problems. For example, RAND has been influencing the policy of the Veterans Health Administration and Department of Defense to ensure that the mental problems among military personnel are reduced. (Acosta, Becker, Cerully, et al. 2014).

Significant Stakeholders

Different key stakeholders are concerned with the issue at stake. First, the APA (American Psychological Association ) assists in communicating and educating the public about the issue related to the society and the strategy to enhance societal stability and everyday lives. In essence, the APA is concerned with advocating for the improvement of the military service personnel, and advocating the strategy to improve their mental problem through immediate medical attentions. APA has been able to achieve this goal through their members who compose of a larger diverse legislative body, elected provincial and state body.

The Military OneSource is also another effective and key stakeholder which their mission is to inform and assist service members about their benefits they are entitled to. The organization also delivers information for veterans regarding the wellness, health and prevention method of their problems. In addition, the organization provides a wide array of information on a different aspect of military life as well as non-medical information free of charge.

The IAVA ("Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America" ) foundation is another stakeholder that are concerned with the issue at stake. (IAVA, 2016 p 1). The U.S. government passes the SAV ( "Clay Hunt Suicide Prevention for American Veterans Act") in 2014 to assist the veterans to access effective mental care, and enhancing the accessibility of medical providers as well as enhancing accountability of VA (Veterans Affairs) mental health programs.(Congress, 2016 p 1). The NAMI ("National Alliance on Mental Illness") is another stakeholders advocating for people suffering from mental illness at the grassroots level. (NAMI, 2016 p 1)

"NAMI is the foundation for hundreds of NAMI State Organizations, NAMI Affiliates and volunteer leaders who work in local communities to raise awareness and provide essential and free education, advocacy and support group programs. " (NAMI, 2016 p 1).

The organization consists of four councils that include Military Council and…

Sources used in this document:

Acosta, J., Becker, A., Cerully, J. et al. (2014). U.S. Military Making Progress on Reducing Stigma Associated with Seeking Help For Mental Illness. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

Congress (2016). H.R.203 - Clay Hunt SAV Act 114th Congress (2015-2016). Veterans' Affairs.

Department of Veterans (2015). VA Mental Health Services Public Report. Department of Veterans Affairs. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

IAVA (2016). IAVA Program Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from
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