Many of the items she sold as part of her trade were counterfeit, including movies, music videos, clothing accessories, and handbags. But even if her business was legal, she was still stealing company time. Individuals felt freer, because of her openly excused behavior to make more personal phone calls, surf the web at work for personal reasons, and simply to stand around and chat rather than complete their assigned projects.
Because her purveyance was well-known, and her goods were, alas, of high quality and excellent facsimiles of the 'real thing,' many of her coworkers and even, yes, our boss were further inclined to look the other way, because, when hard pressed for an inexpensive yet apparently high quality gift, they could easily make use of her business. It became an office joke, to the point I was leery of saying anything negative, not wishing to hurt company morale by speaking against a coworker. Also, as my immediate superior was not only close to this individual personally, but also had made use of her illegal goods, I was afraid of getting my supervisor in trouble for what might be misread as self-interested reason. I tried to look the other way, pretending that this was 'none of my business' and tried to convince myself that what this individual did on her own time, was her own matter.
The environment at work began to spiral out of control -- even though everyone seemed to be having a good time. Until, one of the corporate Vice Presidents, the second in command, of the organization, called...
Labor unions are associations of workers for the purpose of improving the economic status and working conditions of the employees through collective bargaining with employers (Union pp). The two general types of unions are the horizontal, or craft, union, which is composed of members who are skilled in a particular craft, such as the International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, and the vertical, or industrial, union, which includes
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