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Macroeconomics Key Features Of National Term Paper

It can also be negative which is known as deficit. The most vital point to consider is that going by the definition the aggregate of every sector's financial surplus/deficit must be equal to zero. This is due to the fact that borrowings by deficit sectors must be matched by an equal lending by sectors which are surplus. (National Income Accounting -the Overall Systems of Accounts) GDP is the market value of all the final goods and services which is produced in the nation during a particular year. It does not include production overseas by U.S. companies but includes the production facilities in U.S. By overseas companies operating in U.S. like for example Toyota Motors. On the other hand GNP is the market values of all goods and services produced by domestically owned factors some of which might be situated overseas. It is estimated from GDP by adding on net property income from overseas. Net National Product or NNP is calculated by deducting the depreciation of the capital stock of the nation from depreciation. In a majority of the developing economies GDP and GNP do not deviate a lot. (an Introduction to National Income Accounts)

Aggregate Income and Aggregate Output:

Aggregate Output is known as the total quantity of output which is produced and supplied in a particular duration. Aggregate Income is the total amount of income which is received by all the factors of production within an economy during a given period and is described by the symbol Y. (Macro-economics - an Introduction) the equilibrium levels of P. which stands for price and Y within the macro economy shall be present in...

At this point we will not be traveling through the normal equilibrium, as the technique of movement to equilibrium entails a lot of interacting markets which are the goods market and the money market on the demand side, and issues where the economy is, lags in input costs and profitability on the supply side. To find out whether the economy really attains equilibrium is hard to know, and a mot of micro economists do not agree regarding the use of the equilibrium graph as it is not in fact transparent whether and the manner in which all these diverse markets shall actually respond and interact in manners that takes you to equilibrium. (Macro Notes 5: Aggregate Demand and Supply)

An Introduction to National Income Accounts. Retrieved at Accessed on 16 March 2005

Johnson, Rhys. Macro-economics - an Introduction. 1 January 2000. Retrieved at on 16 March 2005

Macro Notes 5: Aggregate Demand and Supply. Retrieved at Accessed on 16 March 2005

National Income Accounting. Retrieved from,+GNP+and+NNP&hl=en" Accessed on 16 March 2005

Sources used in this document:

An Introduction to National Income Accounts. Retrieved at Accessed on 16 March 2005

Johnson, Rhys. Macro-economics - an Introduction. 1 January 2000. Retrieved at on 16 March 2005

Macro Notes 5: Aggregate Demand and Supply. Retrieved at Accessed on 16 March 2005

National Income Accounting. Retrieved from,+GNP+and+NNP&hl=en" Accessed on 16 March 2005
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