They believed in the idea of Wyrd, or the Nordic version of fate. This fate was based on past events of an individual's life. Their future would be adjusted accordingly by Wyrd, much like the Eastern idea of Karma, (Herbert 1995). It was the destiny of all men, based on what individuals had done previously in their lives. This element is prevalent throughout Shakespeare's Macbeth, in that his fate is what eventually leads him to his downfall. Because of his treacherous actions in murdering the King and his friend Banquo to steal the crown, Macbeth ensured that Wyrd would eventually come to take its revenge for his deceitful behavior. This pagan tradition did not fully die out with the region's conversion to Christianity; rather it moved from a strong religious practice into folk tales. Anglo-Saxon traditions and beliefs are still engrained into British literary traditions.
The earlier idea of Wyrd was later transitioned into the current English phrase "weird." The three witches are associated with this earlier Anglo-Saxon tradition, "The weird sisters, hand in hand," (Macbeth I.3.32). Their prophecies end up reality, showing their link to Macbeth's destiny. The naive Macbeth did not fully see the ramifications of their prophecies before he commenced in his plot to take action into his own hands and kill the king. Shakespeare portrays the political and social structure of the Anglo-Saxon culture within a surreal world of witches and fate which emphasize the religious mythology as well, (Boyce 73). The repetition of the three witches, the three prophecies, and the three murders responds to the Christian idea of the Holy Trinity, "Thus do go about, about, / Thrice to thrine, and thrice to mine," (Macbeth I.3.32-35). However, this trinity brings tragedy rather than grace. The witches serve as a darker counterpart to the Christian practices of the day, but also represent the earlier concept of fate. The ease in which Macbeth adapted into the evil figure he became is framed by language. He begins to speak in oppositional terms, how the witches speak. Their evil had blended with Macbeth's character. Many of come to believe that "the witches objectify Macbeth's inner state and especially his motives for action," (Markles 303). His actions could be the cause of the witches' dark influence over the Scottish lord. They were the ones who first called him king, "All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king thereafter!" (Macbeth I.3.50). Many believe that they are the origin on his dark ambitions. However, in the scene where Hecate, the head witch, chastises the witches; she does so by saying that Macbeth acted on his own accord and that they had not fully persuaded him to serve their means, "All you have done / Hath been but for a wayward son, / Spiteful and wrathful, who, as others do, / Loves for his own ends, not for you," (III.5.10-13). This seems to suggest that Macbeth had used the witches for his own good, rather than them using him as an instrument of evil. Later, Hecate pledged to turn this on Macbeth and destroy him.
The characters of Macbeth broke the social and religious conventions of their era, with what ended up to be devastating consequences. Both Macbeth and his wife stepped out of the traditional Anglo-Saxon roles and took action to benefit themselves, however going against fate has serious consequences, "Unnatural deeds / Do breed unnatural troubles," (Macbeth V.1.70-71). Their part in intervening in the will of fate was their downfall. Each character had their own responsibilities in the leading themselves to certain doom.
Lady Macbeth broke out of her conventional role as a docile female in Anglo-Saxon society. She defied her allocated role through her manipulations and her ambition for her husband, (Boyce 63). Lady Macbeth knew that her husband was unable to fully commit murders on her own, "Thou wildst be great, / Art not without ambition, but without / the illness should attend it," (Macbeth I.5.17-19). She took it upon herself to converse with her husband regarding his need to kill Duncan, this was very much unlike the role which the Anglo-Saxon culture allocated women; women were objects which served and united people through marriage. Shakespeare had Lady Macbeth tempt fate with her own ambitions for her husband which led her to break out of her assigned
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