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Life Is Worth Living People Are Living Term Paper

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¶ … Life Is Worth Living People are living longer than ever before. With the advances of medical science, longer and higher quality of lives are more possible than they were a few decades ago. With the ability to live longer than previously enjoyed how does one decide a life is worth living? I believe it has to do with the heart and the mind.

I have a friend who recently lost the ability to walk. Before this happened to my friend I had a much different idea about what makes life worthwhile. Watching my friend rise above the challenge and find many things to live for made me think about the true value and meaning of life. I realize now it is not what one cannot accomplish, but what one can accomplish that defines the value of a life.

I believe that a life is worth living if a person can still choose a goal and take the steps to follow and attain that goal. If a person is able to think and choose something...

Along with this I believe a life is worth living if one is able to contribute to society through their actions, thoughts or deeds.
The ability to choose goals is something that keeps life worthwhile. If a person wants to learn to paint, further their education or climb a mountain that person is still alive. Any time a person is able to think out the future and plan things that they want to accomplish in that future they have something to contribute to mankind. Most people are healthy and can choose goals from just about any venue or arena in life. There are people however, who have been limited in the goals they can choose from. People, who have had accidents, or illnesses that have changed their lives, and people who are born with disabilities are limited in the goals they can choose from. This limitation does not make their…

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