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Liberty, Justice For All, Is Term Paper

"And the attorneys on that list are very dedicated to providing pro bono services. They have a life-long commitment to this kind of work." The people who call are in dire straits, very difficult situations, sad stories," says the program's coordinator, Tatine Darker. "These are people who have been productive members of society for years, then are summarily expelled from the country. We try to find ways to help some of these people out," she says.

The ideas outlined in the article reflect how several groups of attorneys who are dedicated to helping out people who are in desperate need of attorneys as they face deportation, often after years of living in the United States. These minorities are too poor to hire their own attorney, so they need pro bono legal aid to keep families, homes and jobs...

The tactics of the organization to find this many professionals has been outlined in the article. Funding details are explained, as there had been no funding and no program in past years for the majority of these organizations.
The article is written very clearly and has quotations and interviews. Statistics of those who have been helped in the past compared to those who have been helped since the organization was able to fund this effort and begin a working program of assistance, is included. A

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