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Lesson Plan First Grade Lesson Essay

The progression of the plan also keeps in mind the identified physical characteristics of the age group; group discussion during the reading of the book might become boisterous, and the video will provide an interlude of needed rest before the art project begins, which should lead to a more focused activity (Snowman and Biehler 2008). The writing and drawing practice will also help to improve fine motor skills, which are still developing at this age (Snowman and Biehler 2008).

The cognitive characteristic of learning and knowledge differentiation is also taken into account through the various learning methods used in the lesson. The final activity especially will let the students make a

The lesson plan also utilizes the theories of constructivism, in providing many ways for different learning styles to become engaged in the lesson through discussion, viewing, and expression through physical media. The appreciation of individual learning styles is central to constructivism, as it is to this lesson plan (Snowman and Biehler 2008).

Snowman, J. & Biehler, R. (2008). Psychology Applied to Teaching, 12th Ed. New York: Wadsworth.

Sources used in this document:

Snowman, J. & Biehler, R. (2008). Psychology Applied to Teaching, 12th Ed. New York: Wadsworth.
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